uCosminexus Application Server, Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide


11.2 Output target of the console log

This section describes the output target of the console log.

When you use the Management Server for operations, you can acquire the standard output or the standard error output of the processes executed by the Administration Agent as the console output information. The following figure shows how to get the console output information:

Figure 11-1 Acquiring the console output information


The console output information that the Administration Agent obtains from each process is output in the log file (console log).

When using Eclipse plugins that use Management Server, the console output information is also displayed on the Eclipse console via the Management Server. The console output information is notified to the Management Server as an event. The event is retained in the event queue, and is then extracted from the sequential event queue and notified to the Management Server. If the event cannot be notified due to reasons such as the Management Server is not running, the event is resent until it can be notified. If the events in the event queue exceed the queue size, the earlier events are removed from the queue.

Organization of this section
11.2.1 Target operations of the console log output
11.2.2 Target processes of the console log output