uCosminexus Application Server, Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide


5.3.10 Flow of monitoring and canceling the execution time of J2EE application

For the settings to monitor the execution time of a J2EE application and to automatically cancel a request for which a timeout has occurred, use server management commands. Specify whether to monitor the execution time of a J2EE application, and specify the monitoring time interval by customizing the operation settings of a J2EE server. For details on the settings for monitoring the execution time of J2EE application, see 5.3.9 Settings for the execution environment.

When method timeout occurs in a J2EE application, and when a thread for which an attempt of method cancellation has failed, exists, you need to use server management commands and manually execute (re-execute) method cancellation.

The following is the procedure for executing method cancellation with server management commands:

For executing the method cancellation, when a message indicating that a timeout has occurred or the thread status is invalid is received:
  1. Confirm the execution status of the J2EE application (see subsection 5.3.11)
    Perform this task using server management commands.
  2. Cancel the request executed in the J2EE application when a timeout occurred (see subsection 5.3.12)
    Perform this task using server management commands.

Note that the method is canceled even when the J2EE application is terminated forcibly. For details on the forced termination of J2EE applications, see 5.5.7 Stopping a J2EE application.