uCosminexus Application Server, Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide


5.2 Overview of J2EE Application Operations

J2EE application operations are the standard operations in daily business, such as appropriately changing the settings in accordance with the changes in business conditions to tune the J2EE applications deployed in the J2EE server.

This subsection provides an overview of the operations of J2EE applications.

Organization of this section
(1) Canceling a timeout request
(2) Stopping a J2EE application
(3) Forced termination of J2EE applications
(4) Replacing J2EE applications
(5) Accessing network resources from J2EE applications
(6) Operations and references for J2EE applications

(1) Canceling a timeout request

When you cannot control a request that is being executed in a J2EE application because of causes such as infinite loop, you need to cancel the request forcefully and release the resources. You can cancel the incomplete request at the scheduled time by monitoring the execution status of methods in the J2EE application, in advance.

(2) Stopping a J2EE application

For a J2EE application that provides services to a client only for a specific time in a day, you need to stop the J2EE application every day at a fixed time and restart it on the following day. Further, when maintaining services that are continuously operated for 24 hours, you need to determine the operations that can provide continuous services by stopping only some operations instead of stopping all J2EE applications at the same time. When stopping a J2EE application, the method of first stopping the receipt of requests, processing the requests that are already received and then stopping the J2EE application is called service lock. When you stop a J2EE application during daily operations, you can stop the services safely by executing an appropriate service lock. The way of service lock that you can execute differs based on the configuration of J2EE applications and the system configuration.

(3) Forced termination of J2EE applications

In the case of terminating a J2EE application by normal operations or when you want to terminate a J2EE application immediately when an error occurs, the processing of a request in the J2EE application may not be finished, as a result, the termination processing also may not be finished. In such cases, you need to forcefully terminate the J2EE application.

In forceful termination of J2EE applications, the incomplete requests are forcefully terminated. As a result, you can terminate the J2EE application.

(4) Replacing J2EE applications

You replace J2EE applications in the case of version up and maintenance of running J2EE applications.

When you do not want to stop the services when replacing J2EE applications, you need to execute an appropriate service lock. The CTM will be used to control the request from the client to the J2EE server, and the J2EE application is replaced without stopping the entire system. As a result, the J2EE application is replaced in the online status while accepting the requests from the client. Note that CTM can control only the requests for remote interface invocation of the Stateless Session Bean that uses the RMI-IIOP communication.

The CTM can only be used in the products that contain Cosminexus Component Transaction Monitor in the component software. For available products, see 2.2.1 Relationship of products and component software in the manual uCosminexus Application Server Overview.

(5) Accessing network resources from J2EE applications

You can access the path of network resources from J2EE applications using a UNC or a network drive. Note that this functionality is used in Windows. In UNIX, you can access network resources from J2EE applications without any specific settings.

(6) Operations and references for J2EE applications

Tables 5-2 to 5-5 describe the operations of J2EE applications and the corresponding reference section of each operation. Note that the network resources or network drives can be accessed from J2EE applications only if the settings are specified beforehand; therefore, no tasks are performed during operations.

Table 5-2 Monitoring and canceling the execution time of J2EE application

Operation contents Measure Operation overview Reference manual Reference
Confirming the execution status of a J2EE application Server management command (cjlistthread) Confirms the execution status of a running J2EE application. This manual 5.3.11
Canceling the request for which a timeout has occurred Server management command (cjstopthread) Cancels the request that is not finished from amongst the requests running in a J2EE application. 5.3.12

Table 5-3 Locking a J2EE application

Operation contents Measure Operation overview Reference manual Section
Service lock using a load balancer Functions of load balancer Locks a service with the following methods, when a load balancer is used in a Web front:
  • Changes the request distribution destination of a load balancer
  • Stops the load balancer
  • Stops only a part of the Web application that configures the service
This manual 5.4.3
Locking a service that uses CTM Management command (mngsvrutil) In a back-end system that uses CTM, when you want to stop the J2EE applications in a host at one time or you want to stop the J2EE applications sharing a queue at one time, directly lock the schedule queue of the J2EE applications. Expansion Guide 3.7.4

Table 5-4 Stopping a J2EE application

Operation contents Measure Operation overview Reference manual Section
Stopping a J2EE application Server management command (cjstopapp) Performs normal termination or forced termination of a J2EE application. You can set a timeout for normal termination, and can also execute forced termination automatically. This manual 5.5.7

Table 5-5 Replacing and maintaining a J2EE application

Operation contents Measure Operation overview Reference manual Section
Replacing a J2EE application Server management commands (cjstopapp, cjimportapp#) Stops a J2EE application, and replaces with a new application. After replacing, restarts the J2EE application. This manual 5.6.3(1)
Replacing a J2EE application by re-deploying Server management command (cjreplaceapp) Replaces a J2EE application by re-deploying. You can replace a J2EE application in archive format with fewer procedures. 5.6.3(2)
Replacing a J2EE application by reloading Server management command (cjreloadapp) Replaces a J2EE application by re-loading. You can replace a J2EE application in exploded archive format with fewer procedures. 5.6.3(3)
Replacing a J2EE application to be executed after pre-compiling JSPs Server management command (cjstartapp) or cjjspc command Uses the JSP pre-compile function, and replaces a J2EE application after pre-compiling JSPs. 5.6.3(4)
Renaming a J2EE application Server management command (cjrenameapp) Renames an application, and simplifies the management of a J2EE application before and after replacing. 5.6.3(5)
Replacing a J2EE application that uses CTM in an online status Management command (mngsvrutil) Closes the outlet of the schedule queue and then replaces the J2EE application. Expansion Guide 3.7.2

In the case of a WAR application, the cjimportwar command is used.