uCosminexus Application Server, Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide


3.3.5 Output Format and Output Contents of Statistics Files

The configuration files and header files consist of items that are common for all statistics files and individual items. An individual item differs for each target function. The following figure shows the configuration of a header file:


The following table describes the viewpoint of items that are common to all statistics files:

Table 3-7 Viewpoint of items that are common to all statistics files

Character string (character string output in a header file) Description
Date# The collection time of statistics files is displayed as YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss.nnn.
YYYY: Christian year, MM: month, DD: day, hh: hour, mm: minute, ss: seconds, nnn: milliseconds
ObjectName Information is displayed for each statistics file in the same format.
StatsPath Information that is specific for each statistics file is output.
Character-string-showing-the-type-of-statistics.StartTime# For each type of statistics, the time when the collection target became operational is output. The time is displayed in milliseconds from 1st January 1970, 00.00 hours onwards.

In the header file, in addition to this information, the time is displayed with a time difference from GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
For example, (for Japan) :Date(+0900), HeapSize.StartTime(+0900)
Note that if a J2EE application is replaced by reloading, the time of reloading is displayed.

The information is output in the following format for each statistics file in the ObjectName:

Table 3-8 ObjectName format

Statistics file (file name) Format of ObjectName
JavaVM (HJVMStats_YYYYMMDDhhmmTZ.csv) com.cosminexus.management.j2ee:J2EEServer=J2EE-server-name,j2eeType=JVM,name=jvm
Process resource (HOSStats_YYYYMMDDhhmmTZ.csv) com.cosminexus.management.j2ee:J2EEServer=J2EE-server-name,j2eeType=OSResource,name=os
Stateful Session Bean (HStatefulSessionBeanStats_YYYYMMDDhhmmTZ.csv) com.cosminexus.management.j2ee:EJBModule=EJB-application-display-name,J2EEApplication=J2EE-application-display-name,J2EEServer=J2EE-server-name,j2eeType=StatefulSessionBean,mode=Operation-mode-of-application#1,name=Stateful-Session-Bean-name
Stateless Session Bean (HstatelessSessionBeanStats_YYYYMMDDhhmmTZ.csv) com.cosminexus.management.j2ee:EJBModule=EJB-application-display-name,J2EEApplication=J2EE-application-display-name,J2EEServer=J2EE-server-name,j2eeType=StatelessSessionBean,mode=Operation-mode-of-an-application#1,name=Stateless-Session-Bean-name
Message-driven Bean (HmessageDrivenBeanStats_YYYYMMDDhhmmTZ.csv) com.cosminexus.management.j2ee:EJBModule=EJB-application-display-name,J2EEApplication=J2EE-application-display-name,J2EEServer=J2EE-server-name,j2eeType=MessageDrivenBean,mode=Operation-mode-of-an-application#1,name=Message-driven-Bean-name
DB Connector (HDBConnectorStats_YYYYMMDDhhmmTZ.csv) com.cosminexus.management.j2ee:J2EEApplication=J2EE-application-display-name#2,J2EEServer=J2EE-server-name,ResourceAdapterModule=resource-adapter-display-name,j2eeType=ResourceAdapter,mode=Operation-mode-of-an-application#1,raType=resource-adapter-type#3,name=resource-adapter-display-name
JCA resource (HJCAConnectionPoolStats_YYYYMMDDhhmmTZ.csv) com.cosminexus.management.j2ee:J2EEServer=J2EE-server-name,ResourceAdapter=resource-adapter-display-name,j2eeType=JCAResource,mode=Operation-mode-of-an-application#1,raType=resource-adapter-type#3,app=J2EE-application-display-name#4,name=resource-adapter-display-name
Transaction service (HJTAStats_YYYYMMDDhhmmTZ.csv) com.cosminexus.management.j2ee:J2EEServer=J2EE-server-name,j2eeType=JTAResource,name=JTAResource
Web application (HWebModuleStats_YYYYMMDDhhmmTZ.csv) com.cosminexus.management.j2ee:J2EEApplication=J2EE-application-display-name,J2EEServer=J2EE-server-name,j2eeType=WebModule,mode=Operation-mode-of-an-application#1,name=Web-application-display-name
Web container (HWebContainerStats_YYYYMMDDhhmmTZ.csv) com.cosminexus.management.j2ee:J2EEServer=J2EE-server-name,j2eeType=WebContainer,name=WebContainer
URL group (HWebURLGroupStats_YYYYMMDDhhmmTZ.csv) com.cosminexus.management.j2ee:J2EEApplication=J2EE-application-display-name,J2EEServer=J2EE-server-name,WebModule=Web-application-name,j2eeType=WebURLGroup,mode=Operation-mode-of-application#1,name=Definition-name-for-controlling-the-number-of-concurrently-executing-threads-in-a-URL-group-unit

#1: The following values are output in an operation mode of an application:

#2: J2EE-application-display-name is output only when the resource adapter is included and deployed in a J2EE application. If the resource adapter is deployed on the J2EE server directly, null is output.

#3: raType=resource-adapter-type is output in the following format only when the root resource adapter or member resource adapter is used:

#4: app=J2EE-application-display-name is output only when the resource adapter is included and deployed in a J2EE application.

The overview of individual items in each statistics file is given below. The individual items are displayed in the following format in a header file:


Each item is output by delimiting with a comma ( , ) after a character string that shows type of the statistics. The following table describes the character strings that show types of the statistics:

Table 3-9 Character strings showing type of the statistics

Type of the statistics Character string showing type of the statistics
JavaVM heap size HeapSize
Frequency of copy garbage collection CopyGCCount
Frequency of full garbage collection FullGCCount
Number of classes loaded LoadedClassCount
Number of threads blocked due to monitor lock ThreadBlockedCount
Explicit heap size EHeapSize
Number of Explicit memory blocks in the Explicit heap area EMemoryBlockCount
Maximum size of Explicit memory block EMemoryBlockMaxSize
Maximum size of Explicit memory block acquired in an HTTP session HTTPSessionEMemoryBlockMaxSize
Number of Explicit memory blocks acquired in an HTTP session HTTPSessionEMemoryBlockCount
Explicit heap size managed by containers excluding the Explicit heap area acquired in an HTTP session ContainerEHeapSize
Explicit heap size managed by user applications and JavaVM ApplicationEHeapSize
Number of threads ThreadCount
Number of file descriptors FileDescriptorCount
Number of connection sessions ActiveSessionCount
Number of pooled instances PooledInstanceCount
Number of used instances in the pool ActivePooledInstanceCount
Number of messages received MessageCount
Number of pending requests WaitingRequestCount
Number of pooled PreparedStatement PooledPreparedStatementCount
Number of pooled CallableStatement PooledCallableStatementCount
Frequency of invoking the PrepareStatement method InvokedPrepareStatementMethodCount
Frequency of invoking the prepareCall method InvokedPrepareCallMethodCount
Hit frequency of PreparedStatement in the pool PooledPreparedStatementHitCount
Hit frequency of CallableStatement in the pool PooledCallableStatementHitCount
Number of pooled connections PoolSize
Number of used connections in the pool ActivePoolSize
Number of threads waiting for connection WaitingThreadCount
Number of connection failures FailedRequestCount
Number of transactions resolved CompletionCount
Number of transaction rollbacks RolledbackCount
Number of responded requests ResponseCount
Number of synchronous threads ActiveThreadCount
Number of requests exceeding the upper limit of the number of requests pending for execution OverflowRequestCount
Number of received requests RequestCount
Number of sessions SessionCount

Table 3-10 Item names of statistics files

Item name (a character string output in a header file) Description
Count Accumulation count or number of accumulations from the point at which the information, such as starting of the object, was acquired.
HighWaterMark Maximum value after the previous output of statistics files
LowWaterMark Minimum value after the previous output of statistics files
Current Current value
UpperBound Upper limit
LowerBound Lower limit

The following sections describe the items that are output separately for each statistics file:

Organization of this subsection
(1) Information output to a statistics file of JavaVM
(2) Information output to a statistics file of a process resource
(3) Information output to a statistics file of a Stateful Session Bean
(4) Information output to a statistics file of a Stateless Session Bean
(5) Information output to a statistics file of a Message-driven Bean
(6) Information output to a statistics file of a DB Connector
(7) Information output to a statistics file of a JCA resource
(8) Information output to a statistics file of a transaction service
(9) Information output to a statistics file of a Web application
(10) Information output to a statistics files of a Web container
(11) Information output to a statistics file of a URL group

(1) Information output to a statistics file of JavaVM

This section describes the information output to a statistics file of JavaVM. In the statistics file of JavaVM, you can investigate the statistics of JavaVM that is used by a J2EE server.

Name of the statistics file

Name of the corresponding header file

Output of the statistics
The following table describes the contents that are output to a statistics file of JavaVM:

Table 3-11 Contents output to a JavaVM statistics file

Type of the statistics Character string (character string output in a header file)
JavaVM heap size HeapSize.UpperBound
Frequency of copy garbage collection#1#2 CopyGCCount.Count
Frequency of full garbage collection#2#3 FullGCCount.Count
Number of classes loaded LoadedClassCount.HighWaterMark
Number of operational threads ThreadCount.HighWaterMark
Number of threads blocked due to monitor lock ThreadBlockedCount.HighWaterMark
Explicit heap size EHeapSize UpperBound
EHeapSize LowerBound
EHeapSize HighWaterMark
EHeapSize LowWaterMark
EHeapSize Current
Number of Explicit memory blocks in the Explicit heap area EMemoryBlockCount HighWaterMark
EMemoryBlockCount LowWaterMark
EMemoryBlockCount Current
Maximum size of Explicit memory block EMemoryBlockMaxSize HighWaterMark
EMemoryBlockMaxSize LowWaterMark
EMemoryBlockMaxSize Current
Maximum size of Explicit memory block acquired in an HTTP session#4 HTTPSessionEMemoryBlockMaxSize.HighWaterMark
Number of Explicit memory blocks acquired in an HTTP session HTTPSessionEMemoryBlockCount.HighWaterMark
Explicit heap size managed by containers excluding the Explicit heap area acquired in an HTTP session ContainerEHeapSize.HighWaterMark
Explicit heap size managed by user applications and JavaVM#4 ApplicationEHeapSize.HighWaterMark

The frequency of serial copy garbage collection is output. However, if parallel copy garbage collection is enabled when you specify the -XX:+UseParNewGC option, the frequency of parallel copy garbage collection is output.

The frequency of the occurrence of garbage collection explicitly issued at one of the following timings by the J2EE server process is also included in the frequency of copy garbage collection and the frequency of full garbage collection that is in the JavaVM statistics:
  • When only Web applications are reloaded with the reload of J2EE applications
  • When EJB applications are reloaded with the reload of J2EE applications
  • When J2EE applications are stopped
  • When a stub is generated with the starting of J2EE applications
  • When an attempt to start J2EE applications fails
  • When J2EE applications are deleted

When you enable the monitoring of the threshold value of the frequency of full garbage collection, you must consider the frequency that is counted at these timings.

The frequency of the occurrence of garbage collection explicitly issued at one of the following timings with the batch server process is also included in the frequency of full garbage collection that is in the JavaVM statistics:
  • When the threshold value of the memory usage is exceeded with the garbage collection control functionality
  • When batch applications are stopped

When you monitor the frequency of the occurrence of full garbage collection, you must consider the frequency that is counted at these timings.

The output contents are different if you are using the memory usage reduction functionality of the Explicit heap used in an HTTP session. For details, see 8.11.3 Notes on using the memory usage reduction functionality of Explicit heap used in an HTTP session in the uCosminexus Application Server Expansion Guide.

(2) Information output to a statistics file of a process resource

This section describes the information output to a statistics file of a process resource. In the statistics file of a process resource, you can investigate the statistics of OS resources using J2EE server processes.

Name of the statistics file

Name of the corresponding header file

Output of the statistics
The following table describes the contents that are output to the statistics file of a process resource:

Table 3-12 Contents output to the statistics file of a process resource

Type of the statistics Character string (character string output in a header file)
Number of threads created by J2EE server processes ThreadCount.UpperBound#1
Number of file descriptors that use J2EE server processes FileDescriptorCount.UpperBound#3

This is invalid in Windows, Linux, or in Solaris, and -1 is output.

This is invalid in Linux, and -1 is output.

This is invalid in Windows, and -1 is output.

This is invalid in Windows or AIX, and -1 is output.

(3) Information output to a statistics file of a Stateful Session Bean

This section describes the information output to a statistics file of a Stateful Session Bean. In the statistics file of Stateful Session Bean, you can investigate the statistics of Stateful Session Bean.

Name of the statistics file

Name of the corresponding header file

Output of the statistics
The following table describes the contents that are output to a statistics file of a Stateful Session Bean:

Table 3-13 Contents output to the statistics file of a Stateful Session Bean

Type of the statistics Character string (character string output in a header file) Remarks
Number of connected sessions ActiveSessionCount.UpperBound 0 is output when the maximum number of active sessions in a Stateful Session Bean is unlimited.
ActiveSessionCount.LowerBound This string will become invalid and -1 is output, since you cannot set a lower limit.
ActiveSessionCount.HighWaterMark --
ActiveSessionCount.LowWaterMark --
ActiveSessionCount.Current --

--: Not applicable

(4) Information output to a statistics file of a Stateless Session Bean

This section describes the information output to a statistics file of a Stateless Session Bean. In the statistics file of Stateless Session Bean, you can investigate the statistics of Stateless Session Bean.

Name of the statistics file

Name of the corresponding header file

Output of the statistics
The following table describes the contents that are output to a statistics file of a Stateless Session Bean:

Table 3-14 Contents output to the statistics file of a Stateless Session Bean

Type of the statistics Character string (character string output in a header file) Remarks
Number of pooled instances PooledInstanceCount.UpperBound 0 is output when the maximum number of instances in a pool of Stateless Session Bean is unlimited.
PooledInstanceCount.LowerBound --
PooledInstanceCount.HighWaterMark --
PooledInstanceCount.LowWaterMark --
PooledInstanceCount.Current --
Number of used instances in the pool ActivePooledInstanceCount.UpperBound 0 is output when the maximum number of instances in a pool of Stateless Session Bean is unlimited.
ActivePooledInstanceCount.LowerBound This string will become invalid and -1 is output, since you cannot set a lower limit.
ActivePooledInstanceCount.HighWaterMark --
ActivePooledInstanceCount.LowWaterMark --
ActivePooledInstanceCount.Current --
Number of pending requests WaitingRequestCount.HighWaterMark --
WaitingRequestCount.LowWaterMark --
WaitingRequestCount.Current --

--: Not applicable

(5) Information output to a statistics file of a Message-driven Bean

This section describes the information output to a statistics file of a Message-driven Bean. In a statistics file of Message-driven Bean, you can investigate the statistics of Message-driven Bean.

Name of the statistics file

Name of the corresponding header file

Output of the statistics
The following table describes the contents that are output to a statistics file of a Message-driven Bean:

Table 3-15 Contents output to a statistics file of a Message-driven Bean

Type of the statistics Character string (character string output in a header file) Remarks
Number of pooled instances PooledInstanceCount.UpperBound 0 is output when the maximum number of instances in a pool of Message-driven Bean is unlimited.
PooledInstanceCount.LowerBound --
PooledInstanceCount.HighWaterMark --
PooledInstanceCount.LowWaterMark --
PooledInstanceCount.Current --
Number of used instances in the pool ActivePooledInstanceCount.UpperBound 0 is output when the maximum number of instances in a pool of Message-driven Bean is unlimited.
ActivePooledInstanceCount.LowerBound This string will become invalid and -1 is output, since you cannot set a lower limit.
ActivePooledInstanceCount.HighWaterMark --
ActivePooledInstanceCount.LowWaterMark --
ActivePooledInstanceCount.Current --
Number of messages received MessageCount.Count --

--: Not applicable

(6) Information output to a statistics file of a DB Connector

This section describes the information output to a statistics file of a DB Connector. In the statistics file of DB Connector, you can investigate the statistics of DB Connector.

When you are not using the connection pooling function, values other than the frequency of invoking the prepareStatement method (InvokedPrepareStatementMethodCount.Count) and frequency of invoking the PrepareCall method (InvokedPrepareCallMethodCount.Count) will be invalid, and -1 will be output.

Name of the statistics file

Name of the corresponding header file

Output of the statistics
The following table describes the contents that are output to a statistics file of a DB Connector:

Table 3-16 Contents output to the statistics file of a DB Connector

Type of the statistics Character string (character string output in a header file) Remarks
Number of PreparedStatement cached by the statement pooling function PooledPreparedStatementCount.UpperBound#1 The following values are output:

Output value=Size of the PreparedStatement for each connection set in the DB Connector * Upper limit for a connection pool
If the upper limit of a connection pool is infinite, the character string is invalid and -1 is output.
PooledPreparedStatementCount.LowerBound This string will become invalid and -1 is output, since you cannot set a lower limit.
PooledPreparedStatementCount.HighWaterMark#1#2 --
PooledPreparedStatementCount.LowWaterMark#1#2 --
PooledPreparedStatementCount.Current#1#2 --
PooledPreparedStatementCount.Current#1#2#4 --
Number of CallableStatement cached by the statement pooling function PooledCallableStatementCount.UpperBound#3 The following values are output:

Output value=Size of PooledCallableStatement for each connection set in the DB Connector * Upper limit for a connection pool
If the upper limit of a connection pool is infinite, the character string is invalid and -1 is output.
PooledCallableStatementCount.LowerBound This string will become invalid and -1 is output, since you cannot set a lower limit.
PooledCallableStatementCount.HighWaterMark#2#3 --
PooledCallableStatementCount.LowWaterMark#2#3 --
PooledCallableStatementCount.Current#2#3 --
PooledCallableStatementCount.Current#2#3#4 --
Frequency of invoking the PrepareStatement method InvokedPrepareStatementMethodCount.Count#2 --
Frequency of invoking the PrepareCall method InvokedPrepareCallMethodCount.Count#2 --
Frequency of PreparedStatement hits cached by the statement pooling function PooledPreparedStatementHitCount.Count#1#2 --
Frequency of CallableStatement hits cached by the statement pooling function PooledCallableStatementHitCount.Count#2#3 --

--: Not applicable

If you specify 0 for a pool size of PreparedStatement for each connection that is the DB Connector setting, the setting will become invalid and -1 will be output as the PreparedStatement will not be pooled.

If you are using Oracle as a database to be connected to, or if you detect an error in the connection that is not using HiRDB as a database to be connected to, 1 or a value more than 1 is output even if the statement object is not created.

If you specify 0 for a pool size of CallableStatement for each connection that is the DB Connector setting, the setting will become invalid and -1 is output since the CallableStatement will not be pooled.

If used concurrently with the connection count adjustment function or connection failure detection, the unused connections removed from the connection pool are not counted as the number of connections in the connection pool; therefore, the number of pooled PreparedStatement and CallableStatement might temporarily exceed the following values:
  • Number of PreparedStatement
    maximum-value-of-connection-pool x PreparedStatementPoolSize
  • Number of CallableStatement
    maximum-value-of-connection-pool x CallableStatementPoolSize

(7) Information output to a statistics file of a JCA resource

This section describes the information output to a statistics file of a JCA resource. In the statistics file of a JCA resource, you can investigate the statistics of the JCA resource. However, if a connection pool is invalid or in the case of a root resource adapter, only the number of connection failures is output. For a member resource adapter, the statistics similar to that of a single resource adapter is output. If you are using the DB Connector for Cosminexus RM, the statistics is output to Cosminexus RM. The statistics is not output to the DB Connector for Cosminexus RM.

If the used resource adapter is compliant with the Connector 1.5 specifications, the statistics corresponding to the first connection definition (the first definition in ra.xml) is output. If the Outbound connection definition does not exist, the HJCAConnectionPoolStats statistics is not output.

Name of the statistics file

Name of the corresponding header file

Output of the statistics
The following table describes the contents that are output to a statistics file of a JCA resource:

Table 3-17 Contents output to the statistics file of a JCA resource

Type of the statistics Character string (character string output in a header file) Remarks
Number of pooled connections PoolSize.UpperBound --
PoolSize.LowerBound --
PoolSize.HighWaterMark --
PoolSize.LowWaterMark --
PoolSize.Current --
Number of used connections in the pool ActivePoolSize.UpperBound --
ActivePoolSize.LowerBound This string will become invalid and -1 is output, since you cannot set a lower limit.
ActivePoolSize.HighWaterMark A value might change temporarily using the command execution and the automatic regulation of number of connections functionality.
Number of threads waiting for connection WaitingThreadCount.UpperBound This string will become invalid and -1 will be output, since you cannot set a upper limit.
WaitingThreadCount.LowerBound This string will become invalid and -1 is output, since you cannot set a lower limit.
WaitingThreadCount.HighWaterMark --
WaitingThreadCount.LowWaterMark --
WaitingThreadCount.Current --
Number of connection failures FailedRequestCount.Count When you are using DB Connector for Cosminexus RM, this character string is output to the Cosminexus RM. Normally, 0 is output to the DB Connector for Cosminexus RM.

--: Not applicable

(8) Information output to a statistics file of a transaction service

This section describes the information output to the statistics file of a transaction service. In the statistics file of a transaction service, you can investigate the statistics of the transaction service.

Name of the statistics file

Name of the corresponding header file

Output of the statistics
The following table describes the contents output to a statistics file of a transaction service:

Table 3-18 Contents output to the statistics file of a transaction service

Type of the statistics Character string (character string output in a header file)
Number of settled transactions CompletionCount.Count
Number of rolled back transactions RolledbackCount.Count

(9) Information output to a statistics file of a Web application

This section describes the information output to the statistics file of a Web application. You can investigate the statistics of the entire target Web application in a Web application statistics file.

Name of the statistics file

Name of the corresponding header file

Output of the statistics
The following table describes the contents output to a statistics file of a Web application:

Table 3-19 Contents output to the statistics file of a Web application

Type of the statistics Character string (character string output in a header file) Remarks
Maximum number of concurrently executing threads ActiveThreadCount.UpperBound#1#2 --
ActiveThreadCount.LowerBound#3 --
ActiveThreadCount.HighWaterMark#1 --
ActiveThreadCount.LowWaterMark#1 --
ActiveThreadCount.Current#1 --
Number of pending requests for Web applications WaitingRequestCount.UpperBound#1#2#4 --
WaitingRequestCount.LowerBound#3#4 --
WaitingRequestCount.HighWaterMark#1 #4 --
WaitingRequestCount.LowWaterMark#1 #4 --
WaitingRequestCount.Current#1 #4 --
Number of entire pending requests for Web applications WholeWaitingRequestCount.UpperBound#1 #4 --
WholeWaitingRequestCount.LowerBound#1 #4 --
WholeWaitingRequestCount.HighWaterMark#1 #4 --
WholeWaitingRequestCount.LowWaterMark#1 #4 --
WholeWaitingRequestCount.Current#1 #4 --
Number of requests exceeding the upper limit of the number of requests pending for Web applications OverflowRequestCount.Count#1 --
Number of received requests RequestCount.Count#4 The number of requests received by a Web container for a Web application is output. The number of pending requests for Web applications is also counted. The number of requests received by a Web server but not transferred to the Web container is not counted.
Number of responded requests ResponseCount.Count --
Number of sessions SessionCount.UpperBound If upper limit of the number of sessions is not set, this string becomes invalid and -1 is output.
SessionCount.LowerBound#3 --
SessionCount.HighWaterMark --
SessionCount.LowWaterMark --
SessionCount.Current --

--: Not applicable

If you are not using the function to control the number of concurrently executing threads for each Web application or the function to control the number of concurrently executing threads in the target Web application, this string becomes invalid and -1 is output.

If the control for the maximum number of concurrently executing threads in a target Web application is set, the maximum number of concurrently executing threads for each Web application is output. If you change the maximum number of concurrently executing threads dynamically, the value after the change is output.

This string becomes invalid and -1 is output.

The number of pending execution requests received by a Web application is not counted during the switch over processing using the reload function. The number of pending execution requests is counted after reloading is complete.

(10) Information output to a statistics files of a Web container

This section describes the information output to the statistics file of a Web container. You can investigate the statistics of a running Web application in a statistics file of a Web container.

Name of the statistics file

Name of the corresponding header file

Output of the statistics
The following table describes the contents output to a statistics file of a Web container:

Table 3-20 Contents output to the statistics file of a Web container

Type of the statistics Character string (character string output in a header file)
Maximum number of concurrently executing threads ActiveThreadCount.UpperBound
Number of pending requests for Web containers or default pending requests WaitingRequestCount.UpperBound#3
Number of entire pending requests for Web containers WholeWaitingRequestCount.UpperBound#5
Number of requests exceeding the upper limit of the number of requests pending for Web containers OverflowRequestCount.Count#3

This string becomes invalid and -1 is output.

If the setting to control the maximum number of concurrently executing threads for each Web application is disabled, a new request received and pending for execution during reloading of the J2EE application is counted as a running thread.

If the control for the maximum number of concurrently executing threads for each Web application is not set, this string becomes invalid and -1 is output. If the control is set, default information of the queue of pending executions is output.

If the control for the maximum number of concurrently executing threads for each Web application is not set, the information of the queue of pending executions for each Web container is output. If the control is set, default information of the queue of pending executions is output.

During the replacement processing using the reload functionality, the number of pending requests accepted by the Web container is not counted. The number of pending requests accepted by the Web container is counted after the reload processing ends.

(11) Information output to a statistics file of a URL group

This section describes the information output to a statistics file of a URL group. You can investigate the statistics of a URL group in a statistics file of a URL group.

Name of the statistics file

Name of the corresponding header file

Output of the statistics
The following table describes the contents output to a statistics file of a URL groups:

Table 3-21 Contents output to the statistics file of a URL group

Type of the statistics Character string (character string output in a header file)
Maximum number of concurrently executing threads ActiveThreadCount.UpperBound#1
Number of pending requests for URL groups WaitingRequestCount.UpperBound#3
Number of requests exceeding the upper limit of the number of requests pending for URL groups OverflowRequestCount.Count
Number of received requests RequestCount.Count#4
Number of responded requests ResponseCount.Count

If you dynamically change the maximum number of concurrently executing threads for each Web application, the value after change and not the set value, is output.

This string becomes invalid and -1 is output.

The number of pending requests for URL groups received by a Web application is not counted during the switch over processing using the reload function. The number of pending execution requests is counted after reloading is complete.

The number of requests for URL groups received by a Web container is output. The number of pending requests for URL groups is also counted. The number of requests received by a Web server but not transferred to the Web container is not counted.