uCosminexus Application Server, Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide


2.6.3 Settings for automatic start

Management Server and Administration Agent can automatically start simultaneously with the host. You use the mngautorun command to specify the automatic start of Management Server and Administration Agent. For details on the mngautorun command, see mngautorun (Set up/canceling the set up of autostart and autorestart) in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.

We recommend that you make the automatic start processing of Management Server and Administration Agent that is set up with the mngautorun command to execute synchronously. In such cases, you specify the synchronous execution option (-sync option) when executing the command. If you specify this option, during the automatic start the starting of Management Server and Administration Agent is executed synchronously. Also, during the automatic start, you can specify the waiting time until the starting of Management Server and Administration Agent is executed synchronously (the timeout time of synchronous execution), with the -timeout option.

If you are executing operations by specifying the automatic start settings of a version earlier than 09-00, when enabling the settings described in this subsection, you are required to cancel the automatic start settings of the version earlier than 09-00. For details on how to change the settings, see 10.4 Checking the specification changes from previous versions in the uCosminexus Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide.
In UNIX, if you are executing operations by specifying the automatic start settings of a version earlier than 09-00, you cannot enable the synchronous execution. When canceling the automatic start settings of the version earlier than 09-00 and specifying the automatic start settings by using the mngautorun command, enable the synchronous execution.

The execution format and the execution example of the mngautorun command are as follows:

Execution format
mngautorun [once] {server|agent|both} [-e run-level(1)]# [-sync [-timeout timeout-time-of-synchronous-execution]]

The run level can be specified in UNIX. In Windows, you cannot specify run-level.

Execution example
  • If Management Server automatically starts, when the host starts
    mngautorun once server
  • If Administration Agent automatically starts, when the host starts
    mngautorun once agent
  • If Management Server and Administration Agent automatically start, when the host starts
    mngautorun once both
  • If Management Server and Administration Agent automatically start with synchronous execution, when the host starts
    mngautorun once both -sync

The following subsections describe the contents of automatic start, set up in Management Server and Administration Agent, when executing the mngautorun command.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Contents of automatic start specified in Management Server
(2) Contents of automatic start setup in Administration Agent

(1) Contents of automatic start specified in Management Server

The contents of automatic start specified in Management Server when executing the mngautorun command are described here for each OS.

(2) Contents of automatic start setup in Administration Agent

The contents of automatic start specified in Administration Agent when executing the mngautorun command are described here for each OS.

Reference note
With the automatic start process, before starting Administration Agent, the Administration Agent automatic start configuration file (/opt/Cosminexus/manager/config/AdminAgentrc) is read. You can code the following settings in this file, so that the logical server which starts from Administration Agent inherits the settings:
  • Control settings of resources (ulimit)
  • Permissions at the time of file creation (umask)
  • Environment variables
Do not code the settings other than the settings mentioned in this subsection, in the Administration Agent automatic start configuration file. If you code other settings in the Administration Agent automatic start configuration file, operations are not guaranteed.
The Administration Agent automatic start configuration file is executed as Shell Script. Therefore, if you change the contents coded in the Administration Agent automatic start configuration file, adequately check the operations.