uCosminexus Application Server, Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide


1.4 System operations by the Component Container Administrator (In UNIX)

In UNIX, a superuser executes the tasks of setting up, starting and stopping the J2EE server or batch server, but even a general user, who is not the superuser, can be granted the permissions that will enable him to execute these tasks. This user is referenced to as a Component Container administrator. You can assign any user other than a superuser as the administrator by setting the Component Container administrator.

Set up the Component Container administrator after installing Cosminexus Component Container that is the configuration software of Application Server. After the setup of Component Container administrator is complete, the superuser will not be able to execute the operations that can now be executed by the Component Container administrator, with the exception of a few operations.

The following table describes the operations that the superuser and the Component Container administrator can execute when the Component Container administrator is setup.

Table 1-8 Operations that the superuser and the Component Container administrator can execute

Operations Superuser Component Container administrator
Installing Cosminexus Component Container Y --
Setting the Component Container administrator (cjenvsetup command) Y --
Migrating the working directory and the user definition file (cjenvupdate command) -- Y
Setting up and removing the setup of the J2EE server (cjsetup command) -- Y
Settings of the redirector -- Y
Starting and stopping the J2EE server or batch server
(cjstartsv command, cjstopsv command)
-- Y
Executing the server management commands Y Y
Acquiring the thread dump (cjdumpsv command) Y Y
Acquiring the OS status information (cjgetsysinfo command) Y Y
Batch execution command (cjexecjob command)# Y Y
Batch forced termination command (cjkilljob command)# Y Y
Batch list display command (cjlistjob command)# Y Y

Y: Available
--: Not available

These commands can be used in batch applications.

Reference note
If the Component Container administrator is not setup, the superuser is the administrator, and hence, he executes all the operations of the Component Container administrator mentioned in the table above.