uCosminexus Application Server, EJB Container Functionality Guide


Appendix A. uCosminexus Client

uCosminexus Client is a product for building the execution environment (EJB client environment) of an EJB client application. You can use uCosminexus Client as the client when you want to set up a system in which the Enterprise Beans of the J2EE application running on Application Server are invoked directly from the program running on the client machine, instead of being invoked via a Web server.

Note that the target OS for uCosminexus Client is Windows only.

uCosminexus Client consists of the Application Server components that are required in a client environment or the components corresponding to that subset.

This appendix describes the functionality of uCosminexus Client and also how to install this functionality.

Organization of this section
A.1 Functionality of uCosminexus Client
A.2 Installation procedure
A.3 Directory configuration of uCosminexus Client