uCosminexus Application Server, EJB Container Functionality Guide


4.2.16 Precautions concerning transmission of Unicode supplementary characters

When Application Server contains Cosminexus TPBroker as component software, the Unicode supplementary characters can be transmitted by invoking the methods of the Enterprise Bean through the RMI-IIOP communication. In such a case, the operation during the transmission of the Unicode supplementary characters will differ depending on the version of Application Server at the sending and receiving sides. The following table describes the combination of versions of the applications servers, and the operation during the transmission of the Unicode supplementary characters.

Table 4-4 Combination of versions of Application Servers, and operation during the transmission of Unicode supplementary characters

Version of the Application Server at the sending side Version of the Application Server at the receiving side
07-50 or later Before 07-50
07-50 or later Y --
Before 07-50 -- --

Y: Unicode supplementary characters can be transmitted.
--: Unicode supplementary characters cannot be transmitted.

For a version that does not support transmission of Unicode supplementary characters, either the java.rmi.RemoteException exception or the java.rmi.MarshalException exception will be thrown during the transmission of the Unicode supplementary characters by the RMI-IIOP communication.

The operation for transmission of the Unicode supplementary characters can be specified so that the operation is the same as for versions prior to 07-50. To set up the same operations as for the versions prior to 07-50, specify false in the vbroker.orb.htc.surrogateCheckOff key of usrconf.properties (user property file for J2EE servers and user property file for the Java applications). For details on the key, see the TPBroker Users Guide.