uCosminexus Application Server, EJB Container Functionality Guide


4.2.10 About the timeout of access exclusion of an Entity Bean (common for CMP and BMP)

When using an Entity Bean (CMP or BMP), an exclusion processing is applicable for the access to the Entity Beans of the same primary key. If the Entity Beans of the same primary key are accessed simultaneously, and the processing takes up some time, the exclusion processing is awaited. If exclusion cannot be acquired after waiting for the exclusion processing, the exception IllegalStateException occurs with a timeout (default value 45 seconds). In such a case, you can prevent the occurrence of a timeout by specifying the timeout period in the ejbserver.server.mutex.invocation.timeout key of the user-defined file for the J2EE servers (/opt/Cosminexus/CC/server/usrconf/ejb/server-name/usrconf.properties). For details on the ejbserver.server.mutex.invocation.timeout key, see 2.4 usrconf.properties (User property file for J2EE servers) in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.