uCosminexus Application Server, EJB Container Functionality Guide


3.5.2 Obtaining UserTransaction using lookup

Indicate the search string specified when using look up for UserTransaction from the EJB client application.


Because the object obtained based on the result of the lookup has java.lang.Object type, the object is used by casting in the javax.transaction.UserTransaction type.

If a failure occurs in the lookup, the javax.naming.NamingException exception will occur.

The specifications for casting in the UserTransaction type and for exceptions are the same as that for using the look up for UserTransaction from a Web application running on the J2EE server and from an Enterprise Bean

The lookup of UserTransaction is not supported in the following environments:
  • Lookup of UserTransaction in the global Naming Service used when linking with CTM
  • Lookup of UserTransaction using the user-specified name space management functionality that is used with the round robin search functionality
When using UserTransaction in these environments, use the UserTransactionFactory class to obtain UserTransaction.