uCosminexus Application Server, EJB Container Functionality Guide


2.10.1 Preventing access control to an Enterprise Bean

In the EJB container, the access to an Enterprise Bean from the client can be controlled with the security management functionality of the J2EE service. As per the default operations of a J2EE server, even if an application does not use the functionality of access control, the basic processing for access control is performed.

For this, if you use the option for preventing the access control to an Enterprise Bean (Option for preventing access control to an Enterprise Bean), you can prevent the checking of the execution permission at the invocation source when invoking business methods. If this check is prevented, the processing for access control is not implemented at all in the EJB container, and therefore, the invocation processing of the Enterprise Bean business methods will become lighter. Hitachi, therefore, recommends that you use the prevention option when the functionality for access control is not used.

However, note that if an Enterprise Bean using the access control functionality of a J2EE server is invoked from another J2EE server that uses the option for preventing access control, the operation results in an error.

Customize the properties of a J2EE server to specify the settings for preventing access control to an Enterprise Bean.