uCosminexus Application Server, Web Container Functionality Guide


4.2.4 Points to be considered during Web server integration

This subsection explains the points to be considered when integrating with the Web server.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Upper limit value of the request headers and response headers that can be sent and received by the Web container
(2) Points to be considered when using Cosminexus HTTP Server
(3) Points to be considered when using the Microsoft IIS

(1) Upper limit value of the request headers and response headers that can be sent and received by the Web container

When integrating with the Web server, an upper limit is set on the size of the request headers and the response headers that can be sent and received by the Web container. The respective upper-limit value is 16 KB. Note that you cannot send and receive the headers exceeding 16 KB.

(2) Points to be considered when using Cosminexus HTTP Server

In a system built by the application server, you cannot use the virtual host functionality of Cosminexus HTTP Server. If you want to invoke multiple Cosminexus HTTP Servers on the same host, use Management Server.

(3) Points to be considered when using the Microsoft IIS

The points to be considered when using the Microsoft IIS are explained below: