uCosminexus Application Server, Web Container Functionality Guide
If you use the redirector, from among the HTTP requests sent to the Web server, specific requests can be processed in the specified Web container, and requests can be processed by distributing to multiple Web containers.
In the case of distributing requests with the redirector, use the Web container execution process, called the worker process# that runs behind the Web server. A worker process is used to process requests including servlets and JSPs, via the redirector. Data exchange between the Web server and a worker process is based on TCP/IP and is executed through a specific port number set by the user. To specify the redirector settings, use the setup unit that abstracts the Web container called worker. The worker includes a worker indicating a stand-alone J2EE server and a worker indicating a J2EE server in a cluster configuration. The worker that forwards requests to the J2EE server is called a forwarding worker. A forwarding worker is the ajp13 type worker.
The patterns to transfer requests from the redirector to the worker process are as follows:
Note that the mechanism of request distribution is not affected even if the Web server and the worker processes are present on the same machine or on different machines.
The following figures show the patterns to transfer requests from the redirector to the worker process:
Figure 4-1 Transfer from one Web server to one worker process
Figure 4-2 Transfer from one Web server to multiple worker processes
To distribute the requests to multiple Web containers, define the worker processes of multiple Web containers as the distribution destinations, in the redirector registered in the Web server.
The methods to distribute requests with the redirector include:
To create a worker process, define the following attributes in a file (workers.properties) called the worker definition file:
The following workers are already defined in a standard workers.properties file. When the Web server and the Web container are operated on the same host, you need not change these parameters.
Worker attributes | Parameter |
Worker name | worker1 |
Worker type | ajp13 |
Host name | Localhost |
Port number | 8007 |
For details on how to define a worker process, see 9.5 workers.properties (Worker definition file) in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.
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