uCosminexus Application Server, Web Container Functionality Guide


2.14.1 Availability of the functionality in user threads

This section explains the Application Server functionality available in user threads. For details on how to use user threads, see 6.2.1(15) Using user thread.

The following table describes whether each functionality provided in an Application Server is available in user threads:

Table 2-45 Availability of the functionality in user threads

Functionality name Availability Reference
Using servlet API P (1)
Invoking an Enterprise Bean N --
Naming Service Y (2)
Resource connection P (3)
Transaction service P
Integrated user management N --
Log operation and failure detection Y (4)
J2EE application operations P (5)
Using the container extension library Y (6)

Y: Available
P: Partially available
N: Not available
--: Not applicable

The functionality available in the user threads is further classified into detailed functionality, and whether each functionality is available in servlets or JSPs, and user threads is explained below. The notes on using the functionality in user threads are also explained.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Servlet API
(2) Naming Service
(3) Resource connection and transaction service
(4) Log operation and failure detection
(5) J2EE application operations
(6) Container Extension Library

(1) Servlet API

When you use the servlet API in user threads, you cannot use the request objects and response objects. Use the servlet API only in request processing threads. For details, see the section on Thread Safety in the Servlet Specifications.

(2) Naming Service

The following table describes whether the functionality provided as the Naming Service is available in servlets or JSPs and user threads:

Table 2-46 Availability of the functionality of Naming Service (user threads)

Classification/Functionality name Servlets or JSPs User threads
JNDI Lookup Resource adapter DB Connector Y Y
DB Connector for Cosminexus RM and Cosminexus RM Y Y
TP1/Message Queue - Access Y Y
uCosminexus TP1 Connector Y Y
Java Mail Y Y
JavaBeans resource Y Y
User transaction Y Y

Y: Available

When you use the Naming Service, do not stop the application when the user threads are running.

(3) Resource connection and transaction service

The following table describes whether the functionality provided as resource connection and transaction service is available in servlets or JSPs and user threads:

Table 2-47 Availability of the functionality of resource connection and transaction management (user threads)

Classification/Functionality name Servlets or JSPs User threads
Connection pooling Connection pooling by DB Connector Y Y
Connection pooling by DB Connector for Cosminexus RM and Cosminexus RM Y Y
Connection pooling with uCosminexus TP1 Connector Y Y
Connection pooling to TP1/Message Queue - Access Y Y
Connection pooling to SMTP server -- --
Warming up of connection pool Y Y
Adjusting the number of connections Y Y
Connection sharing Y Y
Connection association Y Y
Statement pooling (DB Connector) Y Y
Light transaction Y Y
In-process transaction service Y Y
DataSource object caching Y Y
Optimizing container management sign-on in DB Connector Y Y
Pooling the receiving buffer Y Y
Detecting a connection failure Failure detection by DB Connector Y Y
Failure detection by DB Connector for Cosminexus RM and Cosminexus RM Y Y
Detecting connection failure with uCosminexus TP1 Connector -- --
Detecting connection failure to TP1/Message Queue - Access -- --
Detecting connection failure of SMTP server -- --
Waiting to acquire connections in the case of connection depletion Y Y
Retrying to acquire connection Retrying connection acquisition by DB Connector Y Y
Retrying connection acquisition by DB Connector for Cosminexus RM and Cosminexus RM Y Y
Retrying acquisition of connection with uCosminexus TP1 Connector Y Y
Retrying acquisition of connection to TP1/Message Queue - Access Y Y
Retrying acquisition of connection to SMTP server -- --
Connection pool clear Y Y
Closing and releasing a connection Automatic closing of connection (Web container) Y --
Connection sweeper Y Y
Transaction timeout Y Y
Transaction recovery Y Y
Automatic conclusion of transaction# Y N
SQL output for troubleshooting Y Y
Connection pool clustering Y Y

Y: Available
--: Not available

This functionality is used for looking up an unconcluded transaction when returning from a method of the servlet.

The precautions when using the resource connection and transaction service in user threads are as follows:

(4) Log operation and failure detection

The following table describes whether the functionality provided as log operation and error detection is available in servlets or JSPs and user threads:

Table 2-48 Availability of the functionality of log operation and failure detection (user threads)

Classification/Functionality name Servlets or JSPs User threads
Automatic execution of processing by Management events Y Y
Monitoring a system by JP1 event Y Y
User log output Y Y
Performance analysis trace Y Y
Monitoring the CTM statistics Y Y

Y: Available

(5) J2EE application operations

The following table describes whether the functionality provided for operating a J2EE application is available in servlets or JSPs and user threads:

Table 2-49 Availability of the functionality for operating a J2EE application (User threads)

Classification/Functionality name Servlets or JSPs User threads
Controlling the number of concurrently executing threads in the Web container Y --
Dynamically changing the number of concurrently executing threads in the schedule queue Y Y
Monitoring the execution time of a J2EE application Method timeout functionality Y --
Method cancellation functionality Y --
Terminating the J2EE application Normal termination Y Y#1
Forced termination Y Y#1
Switching the J2EE application Switching by redeploy functionality Y Y#2
Switching by reload functionality Y Y

Y: Available
--: Not available

Do not stop user threads in the container.

Do not stop user threads in the container when switching the J2EE applications that are started.

(6) Container Extension Library

The container extension library is available in both servlets or JSPs and user threads.