uCosminexus Application Server, Web Container Functionality Guide


2. Web Container

This chapter describes the Web container functionality that acts as the server platform for executing the servlets and JSPs. Use the Web container functionality when you execute a J2EE application with servlets or JSPs.

Organization of this chapter
2.1 Organization of this chapter
2.2 Web application execution functionality
2.3 JSP execution functionality
2.4 JSP debug functionality
2.5 JSP pre-compilation functionality and maintaining compilation results
2.6 Functionality for setting up the default character encoding
2.7 Session management functionality
2.8 Event listener of an application
2.9 Functionality of filtering requests and responses
2.10 HTTP response compression functionality
2.11 Integrating with an EJB container
2.12 Connecting to the database
2.13 Creating threads by a Web container
2.14 Using the user threads
2.15 Overview of controlling the number of concurrently executing threads
2.16 Controlling the number of concurrently executing threads in the Web container
2.17 Controlling the number of concurrently executing threads in the Web application
2.18 Controlling the number of concurrently executing threads in the URL group
2.19 Dynamic change in the number of concurrently executing threads
2.20 Error page customization
2.21 Caching the static contents
2.22 URI decode functionality
2.23 Version setup functionality of Web applications
2.24 Precautions related to the Web container