uCosminexus Application Server Overview
The service platform receives a request from a service requester, and sends it to the corresponding service operation machine, based on (for example) the service content or the protocol type. The result of the processing executed on the service operation machine is returned to the service requester via the service platform. If the service requester calls a business process, multiple services running on the service operation machine are called according to the definition of that business process.
The following figure shows the flow of requests in an execution environment built with the service platform.
Figure 8-5 Flow of requests in an execution environment built with the service platform
To prevent requests from being concentrated on one execution environment, you can spread the load of requests by using the execution environment in a redundant configuration. Load balancing is available when a Web service or Session Bean is used. In this case, a load balancer (for a Web service) or CTM (for Session Bean), which are functions in the execution environment of the application server, is used for load balancing, depending on the service type. For details about load balancing of requests in the service platform, see 1.4.1 Redundant configuration of the HCSC server using the load-balancing functionality in the manual BPM/ESB Service Platform Overview.
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