uCosminexus Application Server Overview


8.2.2 Ensuring Availability and Expandability Through the Use of Industry-Standard Technologies

For the creation of SOA systems, a service platform uses and supports the following technologies:

Fundamental technologies
With regard to data format, a service platform uses the XML format, which has a strong affinity with Web Services. Also, since it uses Java as the base in the systems that are set up, portability between platforms is ensured.

Usable services
Systems that are set up using a service platform support Web Services, SessionBean, and MDB as usable services.

Development environment windows
The development environment windows use Eclipse. The functions you wish to use in a service platform can be used by installing plug-ins on Eclipse.

Descriptive language for business processes
BPEL is used for business process descriptions. A service platform stores business processes that you define using windows as BPEL descriptions.

By using these standard technologies, a service platform allows you to set up general-purpose systems with high availability.

Since a service platform lets you use existing resources more effectively in developing a system, you can reduce the costs involved in introducing new technologies.