uCosminexus Application Server Overview


3.1.2 BPM/ESB base manual organization

The following figure shows the BPM/ESB base manual organization.

Figure 3-3 BPM/ESB base manual organization


The following table gives an overview of the contents explained in the respective manuals. Note that the item numbers in the table correspond to the item numbers in Figure 3-3.

Table 3-2 Overview of manuals of the BPM/ESB base

No. Manual name Contents
1 Application Server Overview This manual gives an overview of the functions to execute a system with SOA, product configuration, and the operation environment.
2 Service Platform First Step Guide Reference this manual to understand the development method of the service integrated environment (Service Platform) supported by SOA.
Reference this manual for executing the method of building an environment, the operation and checking method, and the development method with a sample program provided by Service Platform.
3 BPM/ESB Service Platform Overview This manual describes the functionalities that can be used in the service integrated environment (Service Platform) supported by SOA.
Reference this manual to learn about the functionality for smooth operations of the system and for improving the performance of the system.
4 BPM/ESB Service Platform Basic Development Guide Reference this manual to develop a service integrated environment (Service Platform).
Reference this manual to understand a series of development methods like how to build a development environment, an XML schema, a business process definition, a service component definition, a data conversion definition, and a service requester.
5 BPM/ESB Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide Reference this manual to understand how to develop a reception and adapter, among the service components required for the actual operation of the service integrated environment (Service Platform) supported by SOA.
6 BPM/ESB Service Platform System Setup and Operation Guide Reference this manual to actually build and operate the service integrated environment (Service Platform) supported by SOA.
Reference this manual to understand the flow from development to the actual operation, how to build an operating environment and execution environment, the method of system operations, and troubleshooting.
7 BPM/ESB Service Platform Reference This manual describes the windows, commands, and definition files used in the service integrated environment (Service Platform) supported by SOA.
Reference this manual to understand the windows contents, commands syntax, and definition file syntax.
8 BPM/ESB Service Platform Messages This manual describes the messages output in the service integrated environment (Service Platform) supported by SOA.
Reference this manual to understand the cause of the message and the countermeasures.
9 Application Server and BPM/ESB Platform Terminology Guide This manual describes the terminology used in the manuals of Application Server and BPM/ESB Platform.
Organization of this subsection
(1) About the changes of the manual organization from version 08-70 to 09-00
(2) About the changes in the manual organization from version 09-00 to 09-50

(1) About the changes of the manual organization from version 08-70 to 09-00

The BPM/ESB base manual organization has been changed in version 09-00.

The following table describes the relationship of the previous manual organization with the new manual organization for the versions 08-70 and 09-00.

Table 3-3 Table showing the relationship of the previous manual organization with the new manual organization for the versions 08-70 and 09-00

No. Old
(version 08-70 manuals)#
(version 09-00 manuals)
1 Service Platform Overview
Application Server Overview
2 Service Platform Development Guide
BPM/ESB Service Platform Basic Development Guide
BPM/ESB Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide
3 BPM/ESB Service Platform System Setup and Operation Guide
BPM/ESB Service Platform System Setup and Operation Guide
4 Service Platform Functionality Guide
BPM/ESB Service Platform Overview
5 Service Platform Sample Program Guide
Service Platform First Step Guide
6 BPM/ESB Service Platform Reference
BPM/ESB Service Platform Reference
7 BPM/ESB Service Platform Messages
BPM/ESB Service Platform Messages
8 Service Platform TP1 Adapter User Guide
9 Service Platform TP1 File Adapter User Guide

--: Removed

The serial data number is omitted. The term Business Process Management / Enterprise service V8 before the term Service Platform is omitted from the full names of the old manuals.

The main changes are as follows:

Depending on the changes in the manual organization, the contents were moved between the manuals.

The following table describes the relationship between the previous and new manuals in which the major contents were moved from the manuals of version 08-70 to the manuals of the version 09-00.

(a) Table describing the relationship between the previous manual and the new Service Platform Development Guide
Old contents configuration
(Service Platform Development Guide)
New contents configuration
(BPM/ESB Service Platform Basic Development Guide)
1st Edition Developing a system using the standard protocol -- (Edition title is removed)
Chapter 1 Overview of developing a system based on SOA Chapter 1 Overview of system development based on SOA
Chapter 2 Before developing a system Chapter 2 Before developing a system
Chapter 3 Project management and repository management Chapter 3 Project management and repository management
Chapter 4 Creating a message format Chapter 4 Creating a message format
Chapter 5 Defining an adapter -- (Moved to the BPM/ESB Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide)
Chapter 6 Defining a business process Chapter 5 Defining a business process
Chapter 7 Defining data conversion Chapter 6 Defining data conversion
Chapter 8 Defining a user-defined reception -- (Moved to the BPM/ESB Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide)
Chapter 9 Packaging and deployment definition of HCSC components Chapter 7 Packaging and deployment definition of HCSC components
Chapter 10 Creating a service requestor Chapter 8 Creating a service requester
Chapter 11 Debugging a business process Chapter 9 Debugging a business process
2nd Edition Development and operations of a system linked with OpenTP1 -- (Edition title is removed)
Chapter 12 Overview of TP1/RPC reception -- (Moved to the BPM/ESB Service Platform Overview)
Chapter 13 Defining TP1/RPC reception -- (Moved to the BPM/ESB Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide)
Chapter 14 Operation of TP1/RPC reception -- (deleted)
Chapter 15 Tuning of TP1/RPC reception -- (Moved to the BPM/ESB Service Platform Overview)
Chapter 16 Error countermeasures (TP1 linkage system) -- (Moved to the BPM/ESB Service Platform System Setup and Operation Guide)
3rd Edition Development and operation of a system linked with FTP -- (Edition title is removed)
Chapter 17 Overview of FTP linkage -- (Moved to the BPM/ESB Service Platform Overview)
18.1 Overview of an FTP adapter -- (Moved to the BPM/ESB Service Platform Overview)
18.2 Functionality of an FTP adapter -- (Moved to the BPM/ESB Service Platform Overview)
18.3 Setting up an FTP adapter -- (Moved to the BPM/ESB Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide)
18.4 Message format of an FTP adapter -- (Moved to the BPM/ESB Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide)
19.1 Overview of a file operation adapter -- (Moved to the BPM/ESB Service Platform Overview)
19.2 Functionality of a file conversion operation -- (Moved to the BPM/ESB Service Platform Overview")
19.3 Setting up a file operation adapter -- (Moved to the BPM/ESB Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide)
19.4 Message format of a file operation adapter -- (Moved to the BPM/ESB Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide)
20.1 Overview of an FTP reception -- (Moved to the BPM/ESB Service Platform Overview)
20.2 Functionality of an FTP reception -- (Moved to the BPM/ESB Service Platform Overview)
20.3 What is an FTP inbound adapter -- (Moved to the BPM/ESB Service Platform Overview)
20.4 Setting up an FTP reception -- (Moved to the BPM/ESB Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide)
20.5 Message format of an FTP reception -- (Moved to the BPM/ESB Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide)
Chapter 21 Building and operating a system linked with FTP -- (Moved to the BPM/ESB Service Platform System Setup and Operation Guide)
Chapter 22 Error countermeasures (FTP linkage) -- (Moved to the BPM/ESB Service Platform System Setup and Operation Guide)
Chapter 23 Migration from the old version (FTP adapter) Appendix A.3 Procedure of migration using an FTP adapter in the old version
Appendix Appendix
Appendix A Migration from the old version Appendix A Migration from the old version
Appendix B Migration from the evaluated version Appendix B Migration from the evaluated version
Appendix C Developing a system using an upper design tool Appendix C Developing a system using an upper design tool
Appendix D Example of developing a system using an upper design tool Appendix D Example of developing a system using upper design tool
Appendix E BPEL support scope used for linking with an upper design tool Appendix E BPEL support scope used for linking an upper design tool
-- Appendix F Inheriting HTTP header and Cookie information using service adapter
Appendix F Custom adapter development framework -- (Moved to the BPM/ESB Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide)
Appendix G Custom reception -- (Moved to the BPM/ESB Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide)
Appendix H Emulation of service requestor Appendix G Emulation of service adapter
Appendix I Character code conversion using the character code conversion UOC Appendix H Character code conversion using the character code conversion UOC
Appendix J Executing command using the external tool execution function -- (Deleted)
Appendix K Example of converting a data format obtained by a database adapter Appendix I Example of converting a data format obtained by a database adapter
-- Appendix J Automatic mapping of data obtained by a database adapter
Appendix L Defining a database adapter with the database adapter definition support function -- (Moved to the BPM/ESB Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide)
Appendix M Customizing WSDL with an external binding file Appendix K Customizing WSDL with an external binding file
Appendix N Reference information of this manual -- (Integrated with the manual Application Server Overview)
Appendix O Glossary Appendix L Glossary

--: The contents have been deleted.

(b) New location of contents previously described in the Service Platform TP1 Adapter User Guide
Moved from
(Service Platform TP1 Adapter User Guide)
Moved to
Chapter 1 Overview BPM/ESB Service Platform Overview
2.1 RPC Communication BPM/ESB Service Platform Overview
2.2 Monitoring time BPM/ESB Service Platform Overview
2.3 Communicating the error information BPM/ESB Service Platform System Setup and Operation Guide
2.4 Obtaining log BPM/ESB Service Platform System Setup and Operation Guide
Chapter 3 Setup BPM/ESB Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide
Chapter 4 Operations -- (Deleted)
Chapter 5 Messages BPM/ESB Service Platform Messages
Chapter 6 Troubleshooting BPM/ESB Service Platform System Setup and Operation Guide
Appendix -- (Deleted)
Appendix A Table of handling factor elements of the TP1/Client/J exception BPM/ESB Service Platform System Setup and Operation Guide
Appendix B Migration from the old version BPM/ESB Service Platform Basic Development Guide
Appendix C Reference information of this manual -- (Integrated with the manual Application Server Overview)
Appendix D Glossary Application Server Overview

--: The contents have been deleted.

(c) New location of contents previously described in the Service Platform TP1 File Adapter User Guide
Moved from
(Service Platform TP1 File Adapter User Guide)
Moved to
Chapter 1 Overview BPM/ESB Service Platform Overview
2.1 File format BPM/ESB Service Platform Overview
2.2 Reading and writing mode BPM/ESB Service Platform Overview
2.3 Exclusion control BPM/ESB Service Platform Overview
2.4 Data conversion -- (Deleted)
2.5 Obtaining log and trace BPM/ESB Service Platform System Setup and Operation Guide
2.6 Error process BPM/ESB Service Platform System Setup and Operation Guide
Chapter 3 Setup BPM/ESB Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide
Chapter 4 Operations -- (Deleted)
Chapter 5 Setting example BPM/ESB Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide
Chapter 6 Messages BPM/ESB Service Platform Messages
Chapter 7 Troubleshooting BPM/ESB Service Platform System Setup and Operation Guide
Appendix A Messages example BPM/ESB Service Platform Reception and Adapter Definition Guide
Appendix B Glossary Application Server Overview

--: The contents have been deleted.

(2) About the changes in the manual organization from version 09-00 to 09-50

The manual organization has been changed in version 09-50. The main changes are as follows:

For other changes, see the change history of each manual.