uCosminexus Application Server Overview


2.4.2 Related software

This chapter describes the software related to Service Platform.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Windows Server Failover Cluster
(2) HA monitor
(3) TP1/Server Base Enterprise Option
(4) code conversion - Development Kit
(5) code conversion - Server Runtime
(6) code conversion - Runtime
(7) JP1 related products

(1) Windows Server Failover Cluster

You use Windows Server Failover Cluster for configuring an HA cluster by combining two HCSC servers in an execution environment. You can use this only in Windows.

For details on the cluster configuration of the HCSC server, see the 1.4.2 Redundant configuration of the HCSC server using cluster software in the manual BPM/ESB Service Platform Overview.

(2) HA monitor

You use the HA monitor when configuring the HA cluster by combining two HCSC servers in an execution environment. You can use the HA monitor only in UNIX.

For details on the cluster configuration of HCSC server, see 1.4.2 Redundant configuration of the HCSC server using cluster software in the manual BPM/ESB Service Platform Overview.

(3) TP1/Server Base Enterprise Option

You use TP1/Server Base Enterprise Option for communicating with different components by using a database between the execution environment and OpenTP1 of Service Platform.

TP1/Server Base Enterprise Option supports the DB queue protocol. You can link Service Platform and the DB queue reception with a service adapter.

(4) code conversion - Development Kit

You use Code Conversion Development Kit in the development environment of Service Platform in the following cases:

(5) code conversion - Server Runtime

You use Code Conversion - Server Runtime in the execution environment of Service Platform in the following cases:

This product is specific to the Windows platform.

(6) code conversion - Runtime

You use Code Conversion - Runtime in the execution environment of Service Platform in the following cases:

This product is specific to the UNIX platform.

(7) JP1 related products

You use JP1 related products to efficiently perform operations such as monitoring and detection of an entire business system built with Service Platform.

For details on operations of a system linked with JP1, see Chapter 12.Operation of a system linked with JP1 in the Application Server Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide.