uCosminexus Application Server Overview


2.2.2 Overview of functionality of the component software

This section describes the functional overview of the respective component software.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Application Development Plug-in
(2) Component Container
(3) Component Container - Client
(4) Component Container - Redirector
(5) Component Transaction Monitor
(6) Developer's Kit for Java
(7) HTTP Server
(8) Performance Tracer
(9) Reliable Messaging
(10) Service Coordinator
(11) Service Development Plug-in
(12) TPBroker
(13) Web Services - Security
(14) XML Processor
(15) HiRDB Embedded Server Version 8

(1) Application Development Plug-in

Application Development Plug-in is the component software that provides the following functionality to be used in a development environment:

(2) Component Container

Component Container is the component software that provides the following functionality as the core of the application execution platform:

An overview of the respective functionality is as follows:

(a) Functionality for the execution environment (J2EE server) of J2EE applications

This functionality executes the J2EE server that is the framework for executing a server-side business process program (business logic) as a component. It includes functionalities such as the Web container and EJB container. This functionality complies with the specifications included in the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE). For details on the corresponding specifications, see 4.6.2 Standard specifications supported by Application Server.

This functionality also provides the basic functionality related to load balancing distribution, flow control, priority control, and blocking a service of the Enterprise Bean by the CTM functionality.

(b) Functionality for the execution environment (batch server) of batch applications

This functionality executes a batch application on the server. You can execute a Java application in which the contents of a batch process are implemented in Java. The cost of the JavaVM start-up is controlled by operating an application on the server machine. You can execute an efficient database access and full garbage collection control using the connection pool and statement pool.

(c) Functionality for the execution and development environment of Web Services

This functionality serves as an execution environment and development environment for Web Services. The functionality provides the following engines or APIs:

(d) Functionality for managing operations of Application Server

This functionality manages the following operations of Application Server:

Furthermore, this functionality also provides the commands for managing the operations of Application Server by linking with other operation management program products such as JP1.

(3) Component Container - Client

Component Container - Client is the component software for building an execution environment for EJB client applications. It is a servlet of Component Container.

(4) Component Container - Redirector

Component Container-Redirector is the component software for linking a Web container to the Web server. By registering the redirector module provided by this component software on a Web server, you can process a particular request among the HTTP requests to the Web server; on a specified Web container. You can also process requests by distributing the requests to multiple Web containers.

(5) Component Transaction Monitor

Component Transaction Monitor is the component software that executes the load distribution and the flow control by scheduling requests from the Enterprise Bean client. You can divide the processes depending on the load status of the J2EE server by managing a queue of every application. You can control the number of requests to be processed at a time and also block a particular J2EE application when switching the business process programs. Thus, it is possible to continue the stable system operation which in turn results in improving the availability and reliability of the business system.

You can also schedule the execution of batch applications.

(6) Developer's Kit for Java

Developer's Kit for Java is the component software that complies with Java Platform, Standard Edition 6. The corresponding JDK version of Oracle is JDK 6. For details on the functionality, commands, and API that can be used with JDK6, see the JDK 6 documentation provided by Oracle.

(7) HTTP Server

HTTP Server is a Web server for mission critical domains and this server supports Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) based on Apache HTTP Server.

(8) Performance Tracer

Performance Tracer is the component software that outputs the trace information to analyse the bottlenecks in the performance of a process. This component software outputs the trace information for analyzing the performance at every defined point when processing a request in the system built on Application Server. You can investigate the system bottlenecks by analyzing this information. If an error occurs, the location of the error can also be identified.

(9) Reliable Messaging

Reliable Messaging is the component software that provides functionality for a highly reliable messaging base that executes sending and receiving of highly reliable messages asynchronously between business components, between the systems in a company, and between the systems within and outside the company. This software complies with the specifications of WS-Reliability.

(10) Service Coordinator

Service Coordinator is the component software that provides functionality for building and operating a system with SOA. This software includes the following functionality:

(11) Service Development Plug-in

Service Development Plug-in is a development environment for Service Coordinator. You can use this plug-in to define the reception, adapter, business processes, and the data conversion required for SOA-applied systems.

(12) TPBroker

TPBroker is the component software that is used for communication between the servlet or JSP and the Enterprise Bean and that is an RMI-IIOP communication base in Java EE and the distributed transaction base. Furthermore, this software provides an execution environment and a development environment for CORBA client applications in the Java EE environment. It also provides functionality for the execution environment of the RMI-IIOP communication platform, and the CORBA client applications to be used in the execution environment of EJB client applications.

(13) Web Services - Security

Web Services-Security is a component software that provides functionality compliant with the security standard WS-Security of SOAP Web Services. This component software attaches an XML signature to a SOAP message and encrypts a SOAP message. You can send or receive SOAP messages in a secured manner by using Web Services -Security. You can also decode encrypted SOAP messages by validating the signatures attached to the SOAP messages.

This software also provides functionality that supports the development of an application for executing encryption and decoding of data by generating and validating XML signatures or by XML encryption.

(14) XML Processor

XML Processor provides the functionality for reading, operating, and generating the XML documents that support JAXP/JAXB, which are industry-wide standards.

(15) HiRDB Embedded Server Version 8

HiRDB Embedded Server Version 8 is a database that can be used for testing and debugging when developing an application.