Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Client Description and User's Guide



The rdsgroupid command deletes jobs from and displays jobs in the temporary job storehouse.


  1. Deletes all jobs from the temporary job storehouse. When you specify an ID group, JP1/Software Distribution Client deletes all jobs of the specified ID group.
  2. Deletes jobs appropriate to the specified full package ID. When you specify an ID group, JP1/Software Distribution Client deletes the appropriate jobs in the specified ID group.
  3. Deletes a job with the specified serial job number in the managing server. When you specify an ID group, JP1/Software Distribution Client deletes the appropriate job in the specified ID group.
  4. Displays the jobs stored in the temporary job storehouse.


  1. Deleting all jobs
  2. Deleting jobs by specifying a full package ID
  3. Deleting a job by specifying a serial job number in the managing server
  4. Displaying jobs in the temporary job storehouse


Deletes all jobs from the temporary job storehouse.

  • 1 to 32 characters except !, ", %, ', *, ., /, <, >, ?, @, \, | for an ID group registered from the managing server
  • 1 to 8 uppercase alphabetic characters and numerics for an ID group registered from a distribution-destination system
Specify the ID group of jobs you want to delete or display.

Deletes a job with the specified serial job number in the managing server. For information on serial job numbers in the managing server, see your manual for the appropriate managing server.

Deletes the jobs appropriate to the specified full package ID. For information about full package IDs, see the manual of the appropriate managing server.

Display format

The rdsgroupid command displays job definitions as follows:


End code

End code Meaning
0 Terminated normally.
1 Interface is incorrect. Alternatively, the user who issued the command is not a superuser.
2 The temporary job storehouse does not store the jobs appropriate to the full package ID specified in the command.
254 System error occurred.
255 Error other than the above occurred.


When JP1/Software Distribution Client deletes the jobs from the temporary job storehouse by executing the rdsgroupid command, it deletes the corresponding jobs from the execution management file on the managing server. It also deletes the installation awaiting jobs on the distribution-destination systems that belong to the specified ID group.



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