Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Client Description and User's Guide


6.4.5 Syntax of the settings file for the distributor tools

This subsection describes the attributes you can specify in the settings file for the distributor tools.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Format
(2) Details

(1) Format

AdministratorId administrator-ID
PasswordForUpload password-for-uploading-packages
[HighEndManagementHost upper-level-distribution-management-host]
[ParallelUploadWS number-of-workstations]
[AutoAction {YES|NO}]
[EventType IM]
[OrderResultNoticeLevel {N|J}]
[OrderResultNoticeKind {N|C|E|I}]
[IDDeliveryResult {ALL|ERROR|NONE}]
[ClientActionProtocol {UDP|TCP}]
[ClientActionRetryCount retry-count]
[ClientActionRetryInterval retry-interval]
[SystemLogOutputLevel {0|1|2|3}]
[MaxEntryofMessage maximum-message-count-for-message-log-file]
[FileTransferSleepTime sleep-time]
[FileTransferSleepInterval sleep-interval]

(2) Details

AdministratorId administrator-ID ~ <value within the system limit>((value within the system limit))
This attribute specifies the login name of the administrator. This ID has a right to access the package storehouse and has a right to use the operator commands of the distributor tools. This ID also manage the entire distributor tools. Distributor tools use the user ID of specified the login name to authenticate the administrator. Only a user who has the superuser privilege can perform all the operations on the distributor tools. Note that if the user ID of the login name you specified is the same as the user ID of another login name, you can perform all the operations that the other login name allows.

PasswordForUpload password-for-uploading-packages ~ <alphanumerics>((1 to 8 characters))
This attribute specifies the password against which the following passwords are checked:
  • The password specified in the package registration command of JP1/Software Distribution Client
  • The password specified in the argument of the package registration function of the distributor tools
If the distributor tool is running in a hierarchical network structure, specify the same password as the upper-level managing server. The following table shows the upper-level managing servers and their passwords.
Upper-level managing server Password
UNIX version of JP1/Software Distribution Manager The password specified in PasswordForUpload in the settings file.
Windows version of JP1/Software Distribution Manager The password specified for accessing the RDB-formatted management files.

HighEndManagementHost upper-level-distribution-management-host ~ <value within the system limit>((value within the system limit))
This attribute specifies the name of the host file that defines the upper-level managing server that receives the distribution status of the distributor tools. Specify NETMDMHOST if you want to send the distribution status to the system specified in the ManagingHost attribute in the settings file.
If the host name of the upper-level managing server is changed according to the DNS (Domain Name Service), you must also change the value of this attribute.
If you do not specify this attribute, the distributor tools do not send the distribution status to the upper-level managing server. You cannot specify the name of the local host in this attribute.

ParallelUploadWS number-of-workstations ~ <numerics>((1 to 9999))<<2>>
This attribute specifies the number of systems you can execute in parallel to register packagers to JP1/Software Distribution Client. The value of this attribute restricts the amount of data transferred on the network. You need to set a proper value, considering the performance of each network component.

AutoAction ~{YES|NO}<<NO>>
This item specifies whether to send a JP1 event to JP1/Base if an error occurs. For details on the automatic action and other event-driven operations by using JP1 events, see 8. JP1 Event Processing Using JP1/IM - Manager.

Sends JP1 events.

Does not send JP1 events.

EventType IM
Specify IM as the type of JP1 events to be issued.

OrderResultNoticeLevel ~ {N|J}<<N>>
This attributes specifies whether to send a JP1 event that reports job completion to JP1/IM - Manager.

Does not allow the system to send an event that reports job completion.

Allows the system to send an event that reports job completion.
If you specify J, you must set up JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/Base.

OrderResultNoticeKind ~ {N | C | E | I}<<N>>
This item specifies when the system sends an event that reports job completion. This item takes effect only when OrderResultNoticeLevel is set to J. You can specify more than one value except N.

Does not send an event that reports job completion.

Sends an event that reports job completion when the result is COMPLETE.

Sends an event that reports job completion when the result is ERROR.

Sends an event that reports job completion when InstallTiming or CollectTiming is BOOT or SHUTDOWN, and the result is INS-WAIT.

IDDeliveryResult ~ {ALL | ERROR | NONE}<<ERROR>>
This attribute specifies whether to retain all the completed jobs in the job management file. This specification applies to the jobs in which ID groups are specified.

Retains all jobs.

Retains only the jobs that resulted in an error.

Deletes all jobs.

ClientActionProtocol ~ {UDP | TCP} <<UDP>>
This attribute specifies the protocol for instructing executions to the distribution-destination systems. If the network uses a firewall, specify TCP.

ClientActionRetryCount retry-count ~ ((1 to 9))<<3>>
This attribute specifies the maximum number of times the system performs a retry if an execution instruction to the distribution-destination systems fails. This item takes effect when ClientActionProtocol is set to TCP.

ClientActionRetryInterval retry-interval ~ ((10 to 1800))<<300>> (units: seconds)
This attribute specifies the retry interval when an execution instruction to the distribution-destination systems fails. This item takes effect when ClientActionProtocol is set to TCP.

SystemLogOutputLevel ~ {0 | 1 | 2 | 3} <<3>>
This attribute specifies the output level of the messages output to the syslog file.

Does not output messages.

Outputs error messages and system error messages (the messages whose ID ends with E or S).

Outputs error messages, system error messages and warning messages (the messages ends with E, S or W).

Outputs all messages.
The following table lists the messages that the distributor tools output to syslog.
Message ID Facility Level

nnnn: A four-digit number is displayed as the message code.

MaxEntryofMessage maximum-message-count-for-message-log-file ~ <unsigned integer>((300 to 99999))<<300>>
Specify the maximum number of messages that can be stored in a message log file. If you change this value to be smaller than before, the message log file is edited beginning from the latest message up to the new maximum specified. Delete unnecessary messages to retain the necessary ones. Editing of the message log file temporarily requires an additional disk space for the value specified here. Before specifying this item, make sure that there is sufficient free space in the disk.

FileTransferSleepTime ~ <unsigned integer> ((0 to 4294967295)) <<0>> (unit: milliseconds)
Specify a sleep time (milliseconds) during file transfer.
This attribute takes effect only when a non-zero value is set in FileTransferSleepInterval.

FileTransferSleepInterval ~ <unsigned integer> ((0 to 4294967295)) <<0>> (unit: packets)
Specify the amount of data (packets) to transfer before the sleep time is initiated.
Each time the specified number of packets have been transferred, file transfer pauses for the time set in FileTransferSleepTime.
This attribute takes effect only when a non-zero value is set in FileTransferSleepTime.



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