Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


Appendix D.3 Correspondence in setup items between Windows and UNIX Editions of JP1/Software Distribution

This section explains the correspondence between setup items in the setup dialog boxes of the Windows Edition of JP1/Software Distribution and the attribute names specified in the UNIX Edition of JP1/Software Distribution.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Correspondence among setup items of JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system)
(2) Correspondence among the setup items of JP1/Software Distribution Client (client)

(1) Correspondence among setup items of JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system)

The following subsections explain, for each page of the Relay System Setup dialog box, the correspondence between setup items in the Windows Edition of JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system) and the attribute names specified in the UNIX Edition of JP1/Software Distribution.

(a) Correspondence for basic setup items

Note that there are no setup items on the following pages that correspond attribute names in the UNIX Edition of JP1/Software Distribution:

(b) Correspondence for detailed setup items

Correspondence for the detailed setup items in JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system) is the same as that for the setup items in JP1/Software Distribution Client (client). For details about the correspondence of the setup items in JP1/Software Distribution Client (client), see (2) Correspondence of the setting items in JP1/Software Distribution Client (client).

(2) Correspondence among the setup items of JP1/Software Distribution Client (client)

This subsection explains the correspondence between setup items in the Windows Edition of JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) and the attribute names specified in the UNIX Edition of JP1/Software Distribution.

Note that there are no setup items on the following pages that correspond to attribute names in the UNIX Edition of JP1/Software Distribution: