Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


6.6.3 Settings required during installation and setup of JP1/Software Distribution

Organization of this subsection
(1) For JP1/Software Distribution Manager
(2) For JP1/Software Distribution Client

(1) For JP1/Software Distribution Manager

In the Setup window, on the Dial-up page, select the Dial-up connection check box. Also specify the user ID, password, and domain name of the connection destination to be used for logging in.

(2) For JP1/Software Distribution Client

You can specify necessary information during either installation or setup.

To specify the information during installation, in the Network Settings dialog box, select the Dial-up connection check box. The Dial-up Settings dialog box appears. In this dialog box, specify the user ID, password, and domain name of the connection destination to be used for logging in.

To specify the information during setup, on the Dial-up page, select the Dial-up Connection check box. Next, specify the user ID, password, and domain name of the connection destination to be used for logging in.