Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


6.1.1 JP1/Software Distribution network environment

A JP1/Software Distribution system uses the TCP/IP protocol only. Therefore, it does not depend on a specific network operating system, such as Windows NT Server or NetWare. JP1/Software Distribution can also be used in an environment in which multiple network operating systems and client-side communication programs (TCP/IP protocol stacks) coexist.

When you use JP1/Software Distribution Client (client) under Windows, you must use the TCP/IP protocol stack that is bundled with Windows.

Both WINS and DNS can be used for managing host names. However, a system in which a single name server manages all clients is not recommended. In such a system, name resolution queries will concentrate in the single name server, resulting in significantly lower system performance. In such a case, using a hosts file to manage names can be effective in reducing the network load.