Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


5.4.2 Estimating disk space required for Microsoft SQL Server

This subsection provides formulas for determining the disk space required for using Microsoft SQL Server as the database. If a calculation results in a decimal fraction, round it up to the next integer.

In the formulas, remote installation-related job means one of the jobs listed below.

Remote installation-related jobs:
  • Install package job
  • Transfer package to relay system job
  • Send package, allow client to choose job
Organization of this subsection
(1) Disk space required for the database device
(2) Disk space required for the transaction log device
(3) Disk space required for the software package database device
(4) Disk space required for the software operation monitoring log database device
(5) Disk space required for the temporary database (tempdb)
(6) Disk space required for the database table for storing obtained patches

(1) Disk space required for the database device

Size of the database device (bytes) =
{(number of cabinets x 1.021 + 1)
+ ((number of remote installation-related jobs x average number of packages per job x average number of clients per job + number of jobs other than remote installation-related jobs x average number of clients per job) x 1.111 + 1000)
+ (number of hosts specified as job destination x 0.083 + 1450)
+ (number of jobs registered x (number of hosts directly under the managing server through which the job is routed + number of hosts directly under the managing server targeted by the job) x 0.045 + 200)
+ (number of clients x average number of software information items to be acquired x 1.1 + 1050)
+ (number of clients x 0.254 + 32)
+ (number of jobs defined x 0.067 + 2)
+ ((number of Collect files from client jobs defined + number of Collect files from client to relay system jobs defined) x 2.071 + 2)
+ (number of packages targeted by Install package jobs and Transfer package to relay system jobs x 0.25 + 2)
+ (number of Get software information from client jobs defined x 0.048 + 2)
+ (number of jobs registered x 0.1 + 2)
+ ((number of packages targeted by Install package jobs and Transfer package to relay system jobs + number of Collect files from client jobs and Collect files from client to relay system jobs defined) x 0.039 + 2)
+ (number of host groups x 0.1 + 3)
+ (number of packages to be stored x 1.094 + 4)
+ (number of jobs scheduled x 1.053 + 2)
+ (number of ID groups x 0.037 + 2)
+ ((number of clients registered to ID groups + number of relays managing the ID) x 0.037 + 2)
+ (2816 x number of automatic ID group maintenance policies)
+ (number of software search lists stored x 0.11 + 2)
+ (total size of software search lists [Figure] 1800 + 6)
+ ((0.111 x number of hosts in the system configuration when OpenView Linkage is used) + 36)}
x 2048
+ (size of software inventory#1)
+ (466 x number of clients x average number of system information items collected)
+ (328 x number of clients x number of user inventory items)
+ (64963 x number of user inventory items)
+ (580 x number of hosts from which to acquire registry information x number of registry items to acquire)
+ (332 x number of registry collection items created)
+ (1126 x number of system configuration information deletion entries)
+ (420 x number of uninstalled JP1/Software Distribution hosts)
+ (175 x number of conditions set in search host)
+ (260 x number of community names specified in search host settings x number of conditions set in search host)
+ (412 x number of hosts found by search host)
+ (144 x number of software operation monitoring policies)
+ [336 x (number of software operation monitoring policies x 7#2)]
+ (733 x number of programs to be monitored by each policy)
+ (364 x number of programs for which operation time is to be acquired)
+ (331 x number of permitted information items for software operation monitoring)
+ (140 x number of filtering conditions specified in operation monitoring policies)
+ (160 x number of Web access log filtering conditions)
+ (282 x number of access suppression exclusion conditions for USB media)
+ (521 x 10000#3)
+ (939 x number of patch information items)
+ (4024433 x number of downloaded patches#4)
+ (3403 x number of installed scripts)
+ 280#5
+ 3
+ (4706 x (number of domains + number of OUs + number of groups + number of computers + number of users))
+ (4287 x ((number of OUs x number of items to be collected from OUs) + (number of groups x number of items to be collected from groups) + (number of computers x number of items to be collected from computers) + (number of users x number of items to be collected from users)))
+ (4020 x (number of items to be collected from OUs + number of items to be collected from groups + number of items to be collected from computers + number of items to be collected from users))
+ (6319 x number of domains)
+ (64 x number of members belonging to groups)

#1: Software inventory size
= (size of the software inventory dictionary)
+ (size when the client software inventory is obtained)
+ (size of the number-of-clients table)
+ (size of deleted software management table)

#2: Number of device types

#3: Maximum number of suppression history events to be saved

#4: Excludes OS service packs.

#5: Patch management information

Guidelines for calculating the amount of data usage are provided below.

(a) Size of the software inventory dictionary

887 x number of files to be collected from the hosts when searching software inventory (bytes)

Example: When files with *.exe or *.dll extensions are collected
Suppose that the number of *.exe and *.dll files in a client is 1,000.
887 x 1000 = 887000 bytes (about 0.85MB)
(b) Size when client software inventory is obtained

342 bytes (size of one table) x number of destinations to be searched x number of search result files

Example: When the number of destination clients is 1,000 and each client has 1,000 files
342 x 1000 x 1000 = 342000000 bytes (about 326MB)
(c) Size of the number-of-clients table

108 bytes (size of one table) x number of files to be processed by license management

Example: When 100 of the 1,000 files are to be processed by license management
108 x 100 = 10800 bytes (about 0.01MB)
(d) Size of deleted software management table

384 bytes (size of one table) x number of files to be processed by deletion management

Example: When 100 software programs are not added to the software inventory dictionary
384 x 100 = 38400 bytes (about 0.04MB)

Note that no software program is duplicated between the software inventory dictionary and deleted software management table.

(2) Disk space required for the transaction log device

Microsoft SQL Server recommends that you set the size of the transaction log device to about 20% of the size of the entire relational database. Also, we recommend that you configure the automatic expansion of transaction log files. For details, see the Microsoft SQL Server documentation.

For details about the transaction log settings, see (8) Setting the transaction log in 7.3.2 Setting up an environment for Microsoft SQL Server in the manual Setup Guide.

(3) Disk space required for the software package database device

Size of software package database device (bytes) =
((size of managed packages/1800 (if less than 1, round up it to 1))
+ 2 x number packages to be stored
+ 2 x number of packages for which installation attributes were changed at job definition registration
+ 2 x number of packages at job registration
+ 2 x number of Collect files from client job registrations)
x 2048

(4) Disk space required for the software operation monitoring log database device

Size of a software operation monitoring log database device (bytes) =
(1861#1 x number of software operation monitoring log information entries)#2
+ (80 x number of operation time information items acquired)#3

#1: If you want to specify a maximum value for the operation log information size, specify 1861 (bytes). If you want to specify a typical size for software operation monitoring logs, specify the total of the column size per entry (bytes) x coefficient for items 1 through 6 in the table shown below, which is 543 (bytes).

Item Item Size per entry (bytes) Coefficient Size per entry (bytes) x coefficient
1 Process start 335 0.14 46.9
2 Process stop 335 0.14 46.9
3 Caption change 590 0.25 147.5
4 Active window switching 590 0.25 147.5
5 File operation 837 0.08 66.96
6 Web access log 621 0.14 86.94

For details about coefficients, see 2.5.10 Guidelines for the number of days to save operation information.

#2: To determine the number of software operation monitoring log entries, use the following formula:

number of software operation monitoring log information entries =
number of clients subject to software operation monitoring
x size of operation information acquired for 1 client per day
x number of days operation information is to be retained

#3: number of operation time information items acquired =
220 x number of clients x number of programs for which operation time is to be acquired

For clients in a virtual environment, the number of information items collected increases in proportion to the number of login users. Therefore, add the number of expected login users to number of clients.

If you use the dcmmonrst command provided by JP1/Software Distribution, you can also store in the database the operation information whose retention days specified at setup have expired. When you determine the number of days operation information is to be retained, take into account the number of days operation information is stored in the database by the dcmmonrst command.

Furthermore, if you want to use the following data partitioning facility to store the operation monitoring logs, you must create either a new regular relational database using Database Manager, or a different data partition after an upgrade:

To create data partitions, use SQL Server Management Studio. For details, see 7.6 Using data partitions to store operation monitoring history in the Setup Guide.

(5) Disk space required for the temporary database (tempdb)

Among the formulas for determining the temporary database size, use the maximum value as the size of tempdb. If multiple facilities execute in parallel, use the sum of their temporary database sizes as the value of tempdb.

(6) Disk space required for the database table for storing obtained patches

Size of database table for storing patches (bytes) =
5468 x number of patch information items + average size of patch x number of patches obtained