Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


4.1 Examples of construction and operation

The following table lists the examples of constructing and operating a typical system that uses JP1/Software Distribution:

Type Example of constructing and operating a system Section
Constructing Installing a JP1/Software Distribution system 4.2
Operating a remote JP1/Software Distribution system 4.3
Operating Managing hardware assets 4.4
Managing software assets 4.5
Distributing software to sites 4.6
Distributing software at specified distribution and installation dates/times 4.7
Sending a warning message to clients on which the most recent virus definition file has not been installed 4.8
Changing the power configuration for clients on which the power-save setting is not applied 4.9
Shutting down clients at a specific date and time 4.10
Distributing software to new clients automatically 4.11
Using remote control to maintain a malfunctioning client from the managing server 4.12

This section uses the following format to describe each example of constructing and operating a system:

Provides a simple description of the example.

Overview, prerequisites, operating procedure, and notes
Provides the necessary information appropriate to the example. Each item presents the key facility and operating procedure. For details about each facility and operating procedure, see the indicated section in the indicated manual.
In this manual, the manual Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Setup Guide is referred to as Setup Guide and the manual Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Administrator's Guide Volume 1 is referred to as Administrator's Guide Volume 1.