Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


3.7 Grouping job destinations

JP1/Software Distribution enables you to assign clients to groups and execute jobs by group, independently of the physical network configuration.

The following example shows the difference in job execution when 30 clients are grouped compared to when the same clients are not grouped.

Figure 3-4 Difference in job execution depending on whether clients are grouped


In the example in the figure, if the clients are not grouped, to execute a job you need to individually specify each of the 30 clients as job destinations. If the clients are grouped, to execute a job you need to specify only one group (containing the 30 clients) as the job destination.

You can execute jobs efficiently by grouping clients.

You can group job destinations by using any of the following methods:

For details about creating and maintaining host groups, ID groups, and directory information, see the appropriate chapters indicated in the following table.

Task Manual See Chapter title
Creating host groups and ID groups Setup Guide Chapter 8 Creating System Configuration Information and Destination Groups
Maintaining host groups and ID groups Setup Guide Chapter 9 Maintaining System Configuration Information and Destination Groups
Acquiring and maintaining directory information Administrator's Guide Volume 1 3.4 Acquiring directory information