Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


3.2 Designing the system configuration

In order to install JP1/Software Distribution, you must first design the system configuration, taking into account the structure of your organization, the size of the system, and the network environment.

The basic system configuration for JP1/Software Distribution consists of three hierarchical levels, a managing server, relay managers/systems, and clients. The following figure shows a basic system configuration.

Figure 3-2 Basic configuration of a JP1/Software Distribution system


The following table describes the roles of the programs that are used as the system components.

Table 3-1 Components of a JP1/Software Distribution system

System component Program used Role
Managing server JP1/Software Distribution Manager Executes the jobs that perform tasks, such as distributing software and managing collected inventory information.
Relay manager/system JP1/Software Distribution Manager or JP1/Software Distribution Client# Relays jobs between the managing server and clients.
Client JP1/Software Distribution Client Receives and executes jobs executed by the managing server and reports the execution results back to the managing server.

#: For details about the functional differences between JP1/Software Distribution Manager and JP1/Software Distribution Client, see D.1 Functional differences between JP1/Software Distribution Manager and JP1/Software Distribution Client (relay system).

You should design a system configuration appropriate to your environment, taking into account the cost of hardware installation and network performance.

For details about the components of a JP1/Software Distribution system, see 1.3 System components of JP1/Software Distribution; for details about designing the system configuration, see 5. Designing a JP1/Software Distribution System.