Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


2.10.5 Managing system configuration information deletion history

JP1/Software Distribution Manager can manage the deletion history so that you can determine when clients, relay systems, and relay managers were deleted from the system configuration information. Because the deletion history contains the system configuration information of deleted hosts, you can use the deletion history to restore hosts to the system configuration information.

To manage the system configuration information deletion history, the Save deletion history option must be selected at the time JP1/Software Distribution Manager is set up.

The host group, ID group, and inventory information of deleted hosts is not stored as historical data. Deletion history is not saved for hosts that were deleted in the batch mode when the system configuration information was created from a system configuration information file or for an offline folder.

For details about how to manage system configuration information deletion history, see 9.6 Managing the deletion history of system configuration information in the Setup Guide.