Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


2.6.1 Preparations for managing operation logs

This subsection describes the preparations necessary for using the Operation Log List window, the Operation Log Total window, and the Software Operation Status window to manage operation logs acquired by JP1/Software Distribution.

Organization of this subsection
(1) System configuration
(2) Setup

(1) System configuration

To use any of these windows, the Asset Information Manager Subset component must be installed. The following table lists the programs required to use the Asset Information Manager Subset component, as well as the programs required to use the windows for managing operation information.

Table 2-31 Programs required to manage operation information

System configuration element Required program
PC on which Asset Information Manager Subset is installed Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.0, 5.1, 6.0, or 7.0
PC on which the Operation Log List window, Operation Log Total window, and Software Operation Status window are being used Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 (Service Pack 2) or later

For details about the system configuration required for using Asset Information Manager Subset, see 5.2.1 System configuration in an environment where Asset Information Manager Subset is used.

(2) Setup

To manage operation information in these windows, the following settings must be configured during managing server setup:

For details about the setup, see 4.2.14 Operation Monitoring page and 4.2.19 AIM page in the Setup Guide. For details about the dcmmonrst command, see 4.13 dcmmonrst.exe (storing operating information in a database) in the manual Administrator's Guide Volume 2.