Job Management Partner 1/Software Distribution Description and Planning Guide


2.5.9 Collecting software operation time

You can collect the daily operation time for software executed on a client and report this information to the managing server as a monitoring result.

Once you have collected operation times, you can use the Software Operation Status window of Asset Information Manager Subset to check the operation rate for each software application. Such information is useful for locating and removing software that is used infrequently, for recommending use of certain software, and for other purposes.

To collect operation times, you must specify the software applications to be monitored (monitoring target software) in the operation monitoring policy.

To collect the operation time for a software application, specify the program whose operation time you want to monitor. You can specify applications that have one of the following extensions as the software programs for which operation time is to be collected:

You can specify more than one program for a single software application. When you specify more than one program, the execution times of all those programs are acquired as the operation time for that software application. The following figure shows the relationship between the program execution times and the software operation time that is acquired.

Figure 2-26 Relationship between program execution times and the software operation time that is acquired


Software operation time is totaled from 12:00 midnight (00:00) of the current day to 12:00 midnight (00:00) of the following day. Totaling of data for the following day begins at 12:00 midnight. Thus, the 12:00 midnight (00:00) operation time is included in both the current day and the following day.

If a date change occurs while a program is executing, the operation time until 00:00 is collected as the current day's data, and the operation time from 00:00 is collected as the following day's data. For the latter day, the data collected until 00:00 is then reported to the managing server as the previous day's operation time.

The following points should be noted about collecting software operation times:

For the notes on specifying a software application that collects operation time in an operation monitoring policy, see 6.2.7 Setup for obtaining the operation time in the manual Administrator's Guide Volume 1.