Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Administrator's Guide
By using the Log job menu, you can view various log information, such as the start and end of tasks registered in Windows Task Scheduler, the number of information items imported to the asset management database, information about the linked products that are imported to the asset management database, and error information. Even in an environment where direct manipulation of the asset management server is impossible, you can still check the status of information acquired from linked products and can check error details. By default, only the administrator can browse the log.
To browse the log, click the Log job menu to display the Log window. The following figure shows the Log window.
Figure 4-38 Log window
Each linked product has a separate folder. Clicking a folder link displays the links to the lower-level file names. Clicking a file name link displays the contents of the log file (message output time, message type, and message text). For JP1/Software Distribution, clicking the INV link displays the log file (ASTINVn.log). For NNM (version 7.5 or earlier), clicking the NNM link displays the log file (ASTNNMn.log).
The Log window displays the folders and files that are stored in the asset management server's virtual directory \log. If you attempt to move to the asset management server's higher-level virtual directory, a message stating that the request window cannot be accessed due to lack of permissions is displayed. By default, the asset management server's virtual directory is Asset-Information-Manager-installation-folder/wwwroot.
When you click the INV link, the log file (ASTINVn.log) is displayed. You can use this file to check information, such as the number of inventory information items imported to the asset management database and the error messages issued by Asset Information Synchronous Service, which is a service for acquiring inventory information in real time.
To acquire inventory information in real time, you need to link your system with JP1/Software Distribution 07-50 or later.
Clicking the NNM link displays a log file (ASTNNMn.log).You can use this file to check information, such as the start and end of the Take node information task when node information is imported to the asset management database, and the number of imported node information items.
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