Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Administrator's Guide


4.11.2 Executing an export operation

An export operation is executed by specifying conditions. These export conditions must have already been created.

To specify conditions and execute an export operation:

  1. Specify search conditions as appropriate, and then click the Search button.
    A search is conducted for export conditions that match the search conditions.
  2. Select the radio button for the name of the desired set of conditions, and then click the Execute button.
    The window switches to a window for executing the export operation.
  3. Filter the conditions if necessary.
    To filter the output items, use the Set Condition dialog box that is displayed by clicking the Filter link.
    The Filter Condition items differ depending on the selected asset type.
    For details about specification of the Set Conditions dialog box, see (1) Setting filtering conditions below.
  4. Click the Export button.
    Export is executed.
Organization of this subsection
(1) Setting filtering conditions
(2) Format of output CSV files

(1) Setting filtering conditions

When output items specified in Export items are to be filtered, such as by the managing group, for example, filtering conditions are set. To filter the conditions, click the link under Filter to display the Set Condition dialog box.

The following figure shows how to specify conditions in the Set Condition dialog box.

Figure 4-34 Set Condition dialog box


The items that can be specified as filtering conditions are displayed in a list. For example, in order to output only the information for a particular group, specify the group name.

The specified conditions become enabled when you click the OK button.

If you click the Close button before you click the OK button, the specified conditions are cleared. Therefore, if you adjust the filter conditions while checking them, you must export them so they are displayed in the dialog box.

(2) Format of output CSV files

The following figure shows the format of a CSV file output by exporting.

Figure 4-35 Format of CSV file output by exporting


If there are multiple pieces of information for the same asset, such as when multiple IP addresses are allocated to one PC, multiple lines are output.

If you open the CSV file in Microsoft Excel to edit it before registering it in Asset Information Manager, the leading zeros are automatically deleted from numeric values, such as codes and IDs, and the contents of the file might be changed from the original information. Therefore, if you use Microsoft Excel, use the Import Text File function, set the column data format to Text, and then import and edit the file.