Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Administrator's Guide


4.8.5 Code IDs shared among multiple classes

Some code IDs are shared among multiple classes. Therefore, if you modify shared code information, the change is also effective for the classes that share the code.

The following table lists the code IDs that are shared among multiple classes.

Table 4-4 Code IDs shared among multiple classes

Managed items Shared code ID
Managed class Property name
Contract (contract information) and ContractCatalog (company catalog)
  • UserPropertyCode_1
  • UserPropertyCode_2

  • ContractProperty1
  • ContractProperty2
HardwareInfo (hardware information) and MachineCatalog (device catalog)
  • CPUType
  • UserPropertyCode_1 to UserPropertyCode_12
  • MachineKind
  • ModelKind
  • MonitorKind
  • MonitorResolution

  • CPUType
  • HardwareProperty1 to HardwareProperty12
  • MachineKind
  • ModelKind
  • MonitorKind
  • MonitorResolution