Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Administrator's Guide


4.5 Managing device catalog information (Device Catalog)

By using the Device Catalog job menu, you can register and edit the device catalog information that is used to register new devices.

Some device information is predefined for each product, such as CPU and memory size. A collection of these items that have already been registered is called a device catalog.

For items that are already registered, you can save time in entering predefined items by selecting the device catalog for the product to be registered.

By default, only the administrator can perform device catalog management.

To manage device catalogs, use the Device Catalog window, which is displayed by clicking the Device Catalog job menu. The following figure shows the Device Catalog window.

Figure 4-15 Device Catalog window


Clicking a link under Device name in a search results list displays the Device Catalog Details dialog box, which enables you to view the details of the corresponding catalog information. You can also use this dialog box to change and delete catalog information.

Organization of this section
4.5.1 Registering a device catalog
4.5.2 Deleting a device catalog