Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Administrator's Guide


2.8.10 Viewing and changing the maintenance log (Maintenance tab)

In the Maintenance tab in the Device Details dialog box, you can view and change information about the errors that occurred in the past and how they were handled. The following figure shows the Maintenance tab in the Device Details dialog box.

Figure 2-112 Maintenance tab in the Device Details dialog box


Clicking a link under Reg. date displays details about that portion of the maintenance log.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Registering completion of maintenance
(2) Registering maintenance log information
(3) Deleting maintenance logs

(1) Registering completion of maintenance

This section describes the procedure for registering information about an action and completion of maintenance. In the case of a JP1 event or an SNMP trap, action completion can also be reported to JP1/IM at the same time.

To register completion of maintenance:

  1. Click the Reg. date link for the maintenance log information whose action information you wish to register.
    The Maintenance Log Details dialog box is displayed.
  2. Click the Edit button.
    The Edit Maintenance Log dialog box is displayed.
  3. In Overview of solution, specify appropriate information, and change Status to Complete.
  4. Click the Update button.
    The maintenance log is updated based on the specified information.
  5. Click the Complete button.
    Action completion is reported to JP1/IM, and the status of the corresponding JP1 event is set to Complete.
  6. Click the Close button.
    The Edit Maintenance Log dialog box closes.

The following figure shows the Edit Maintenance Log dialog box in which an overview of the solution is specified.

Figure 2-113 Edit Maintenance Log dialog box


(2) Registering maintenance log information

To register maintenance log information:

  1. Click the Add button.
    The Add Maintenance Log dialog box is displayed.
    Items identified by a star ([Figure]) are mandatory.
    By default, Problem type displays only User Registered. In Status, specify the status after the error.
    To cancel, click the Close button.
  2. Click the OK button.
    The specified maintenance log information is registered.

The following figure shows the Add Maintenance Log dialog box in which an overview of the problem is displayed.

Figure 2-114 Add Maintenance Log dialog box


(3) Deleting maintenance logs

To delete maintenance logs, select the check box for the maintenance log that you wish to delete, and click the Delete button.