Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Administrator's Guide


2.2.2 Changing contract information (Contract List)

By using the Contract List job menu, you can search for contracts that are about to expire and change various contract information that has been registered. You can also use this job to add device and software information to newly registered contract information.

By default, only the administrator can change contract information.

To change contract information, start from the Contract List window, which is displayed by clicking the Contract List job menu. The following figure shows the Contract List window.

Figure 2-16 Contract List window


In the search results list, clicking a column title sorts the list in ascending or descending order of that column's information.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Searching for contracts that are about to expire
(2) Browsing and changing contract information
(3) Adding devices subject to a contract
(4) Changing the devices subject to a contract
(5) Adding software subject to a contract
(6) Changing software subject to a contract
(7) Viewing the contract update history

(1) Searching for contracts that are about to expire

To search for contracts that are about to expire, specify Contract end date as the search condition.

In addition to using window operations to search for contracts that are about to expire, you can use a Notification of invalid contract information task registered in Windows Task Scheduler to have emails sent to the administrator. For details about using a task to send email notification, see 5.9 Setting the tasks that are registered in Task Scheduler in the Planning and Setup Guide.

(2) Browsing and changing contract information

Clicking a link under Contract No. displays the Contract Details dialog box below and enables you to change the contract's information items.

Figure 2-17 Contract Details dialog box


You can update contract information by editing the information, and then clicking the Update button. To cancel, click the Close button.

If the system is set up to acquire contract history, clicking the Update button displays a dialog box that lets you choose whether the contract information is to be registered as contract history. Choose Yes to register the updated information and to register the information as contract history. Choose No to only register the updated information, but not register the information as contract history.

To acquire contract history, open the Server Setup dialog box, and select Acquire for Acquisition of contract history.

(3) Adding devices subject to a contract

To add devices to a contract:

  1. Search for the contract to which devices are to be added.
    You cannot add devices to a contract that is in the expire or erase status.
  2. In the search results list, click the applicable Contract No. link.
    The Contract Details dialog box is displayed.
  3. From the Device tab, click the Add button.
    The Search Device Details dialog box is displayed.
  4. Specify conditions as necessary, and then click the Search button.
    The system searches for the devices that are not under any other contracts for the devices that satisfy the specified conditions.
    To cancel, click the Close button.
  5. In the search results, select a desired device, and then click the OK button.
    The selected device is added as a device that is subject to the contract.

The following figure shows the procedure for displaying the Search Device Details dialog box from the Device tab and then adding a target device.

Figure 2-18 Procedure for adding a target device


(4) Changing the devices subject to a contract

To change (delete or restore) devices subject to a contract:

  1. Search for the contract for which devices are to be changed.
    You cannot change devices for a contract that is in the expire or erase status.
  2. In the search results list, click the Contract No. link.
    The Contract Details dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click the Device tab.
    The devices subject to the contract are listed.
    To cancel, click the Close button instead of clicking the Delete or Restore button.
    • Deleting devices
      Select the check box of each device to be deleted, and click the Delete button.
    • Restoring devices to a lease contract
      Select the check box of each device to be restored, and click the Restore button.
  4. Click the Close button.
    The Contract Details dialog box closes, and the devices subject to the contract are changed.

(5) Adding software subject to a contract

To add or change the software subject to a contract:

  1. Search for the contract to which software is to be added.
    You cannot add software to a contract that is in the expire or erase status.
  2. In the search results list, click the appropriate Contract No. link.
    The Contract Details dialog box is displayed.
  3. From the Software tab, click the Add button.
    The Search Software dialog box is displayed.
  4. Specify conditions as necessary, and then click the Search button.
    The system searches for software that satisfies the specified conditions.
    To cancel, click the Close button.
  5. In the search results, select the desired software, and then click the OK button.
    The selected software is added as software that is subject to the contract.

The following figure shows the flow for displaying the Search Software dialog box from the Software tab and then adding software.

Figure 2-19 Procedure for adding software


(6) Changing software subject to a contract

To change (delete or restore) software subject to a contract:

  1. Search for the contract for which software is to be changed.
    You cannot change software for a contract that is in the expire or erase status.
  2. In the search results list, click the Contract No. link.
    The Contract Details dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click the Software tab.
    The software subject to the contract is listed.
    To cancel, click the Close button instead of clicking the Delete or Restore button.
    • Deleting software
      Select the check box for each software item to be deleted, and click the Delete button.
    • Restoring software
      Select the check box of the software to be restored, and click the Restore button.
  4. Click the Close button.
    The Contract Details dialog box closes, and the software subject to the contract is changed.

(7) Viewing the contract update history

You can view the history of updated contract contents as well as previous contract contents. To view the contract history, open the Server Setup dialog box, and select Acquire for Acquisition of contract history. The Contract Details dialog box displays the History Information button. Click this button to view the contract history.

To view contract history:

  1. Click the History Information button of the Contract Details dialog box.
    The Contract History dialog box is displayed.
  2. Click the link of the Update date/time for which you wish to view details.
    The Contract History Details dialog box is displayed.
    You can check the contract contents, which include the attached file, and output the contents to a CSV file.

The following figure shows the procedure for displaying the Contract History dialog box and Contract History Details dialog box from the Contract Details dialog box and checking contract history details.

Figure 2-20 Flow for checking contract history details
