Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


Appendix B. List of Processes

The table below lists the name of each Asset Information Manager process and describes its function. The processes are listed in alphabetical order of the process names. Each process name is followed in parentheses by the number of instances of the process that may execute concurrently, where n indicates a positive integer.

Table B-1 Name and function of each process

Process name Function
jamdbsetup.exe (1) Process for creating a table space to which a meta table information is to be imported (started at setup)
jamclasstbl.exe (1) Process for creating in the database a table area required for the asset management server (started at setup)
jamconvdats.exe (1) Process used during database conversion
jamcsvconv.exe (1) Process used during database conversion to convert CSV data to the most recent format
jamexport.exe (n) Process for the export command
jamfind.exe (n) Process for executing a search
jamimport.exe (n) Process for the import command
jamlsynchronous.exe (1) Process that is made resident when real-time information is acquired from JP1/Software Distribution
jamscript.exe (n) Process for manipulating the asset management database, such as search and update operations (also used during task execution and for summing)
jamsetup.exe (n) Process for setting the environment information needed for operation of the asset management server
jamTakeDMInventory.exe (1) Process used for acquisition of inventory information
jamztrbl.exe (1) Process used for acquisition of log information (started by the user to acquire log information in the event of an error)

Because Asset Information Manager runs on Microsoft Internet Information Services, the Microsoft Internet Information Services process inetinfo.exe is resident.