Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


14.1.1 Object classes

The table below presents the class names and provides an overview of the object classes. It also indicates whether each object class is used for import/export processing and for user report creation.

Table 14-1 List of object classes

Class name Overview Import/export User
Job menu
AddressGroup IP group information Y Y Y
AssetInfo Asset information Y Y Y
AssetUpdateRecord Transfer log N Y Y
ComponentInfo Component information N Y Y
Contract Contract information Y Y Y
ContractAssetHistory Contract asset history Y J Y
ContractCatalog Company catalog N Y N
ContractHistory Contract history Y J Y
DivisionInfo Division information Y Y N
GroupInfo Group information Y Y Y
HardwareInfo Hardware information Y Y Y
InstalledInfo Installed software information Y Y Y
InstalledList Installed software list Y Y Y
InstalledUpdateRecord Software update log N J Y
InstalledVirusDefInfo Virus definition information Y Y Y
IPAddress IP address control information Y Y Y
JobRoleInfo Official authority Y Y Y
LicenseInfo License information Y Y Y
LocationInfo Location information Y Y Y
MachineCatalog Device catalog Y Y N
Maintenance Maintenance log Y Y Y
NetworkInfo Network information Y Y Y
PatchInfo Patch information Y Y Y
PatchList Patch name list Y Y Y
ProgramHistory Program execution history N J Y
RelationAssetInfo Related asset information Y Y N
RoleInfo Role information Y Y Y
SoftwareInfo Software information Y Y Y
SoftwareKeyInfo Software key information Y Y Y
SoftwareList Software list Y Y Y
UpdateRecord Device change log N N Y
UserInfo User information Y Y Y
VolumeContract Volume contract information Y Y Y
WindowTitleHistory Window title update history N J Y

Y: Used
N: Not used
J: Can only be exported with the jamexport command. (Importing with the jamimport command is not supported.)

The following import and export methods are used:
  • The Import job menu and jamCsvImport.bat
  • The Export job menu and jamCsvExport.bat

The following import and export methods are used:
  • Import by the jamimport command
  • Export by the jamexport command