Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


13.3.3 Node information of HP NNM version 7.5 or earlier that can be acquired as network information

The following table shows the details of Asset Information Manager's network information that is registered or updated based on the node information of HP NNM version 7.5 or earlier.

Table 13-19 Details of the network information that is registered or updated based on the node information of HP NNM version 7.5 or earlier

Item name Value to be set Whether the value is updated when there is existing data
Asset ID Asset ID of the corresponding asset information N
Network info ID The value is assigned automatically during creation. N
IP address IP Address Y
Subnet mask IP Subnet Mask Y
IP address type If IP Address is IPv4, IPv4; otherwise, IPv6 Y
MAC address SNMP ifPhysAddr
Acquired information is converted to lower-case letters and then registered.
Node name (host name) IP Hostname Y
DHCP server name DHCP server name of the corresponding IP group Y

Y: Updated
N: Not updated