Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


13.2 Operation logs that can be acquired from JP1/Software Distribution

When operation logs are acquired from JP1/Software Distribution by executing the Take operation history task registered in Windows Task Scheduler, information is registered or updated in each corresponding class of Asset Information Manager based on the operation logs of JP1/Software Distribution.

To acquire operation logs, JP1/Software Distribution 07-50 or later must be linked.

For details about how to register JP1/Software Distribution's operation history in the asset management database, see 5.9.8 Specifying the operation history acquisition range and filtering.

The details of each class of information to be registered or updated are described below.

Organization of this section
13.2.1 Operation logs that can be acquired as program execution history
13.2.2 Operation logs that can be acquired as window title update history