Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


12.2.2 Reorganizing the asset management database using commands

This subsection describes the function, format, options, and return values of jamemb_reorganization.bat, which reorganizes the restored asset management database. It also provides notes on its execution, followed by an execution example.

jamemb_reorganization.bat is stored in the following folder:


If reorganization fails, the asset management database can no longer be used. In such a case, restore the backup data of the asset management database.

(a) Function

jamemb_reorganization.bat reorganizes the asset management database.

(b) Format
jamemb_reorganization.bat port-number user-ID password -o result-file-path [-y]
(c) Options

Specifies the database connection port number that was specified when Asset Information Manager was installed. To identify the port number that was set, check PDNAMEPORT in the HiRDB.ini file, which is stored in Asset-Information-Manager-installation-folder\aimdb\conf\emb. Specification of this option is mandatory.

user-ID, password
Specifies the values that were set in Login ID in Database Information in the Server Setup dialog box. Specification of this option is mandatory.

-o result-file-path
Specifies the full path of the file to which the execution results are to be output. Specification of this option is mandatory.

If this option is specified, the command starts the reorganization processing without waiting for a key response.
If this option is omitted, the command waits for a key response. To cancel execution, press the Ctrl + C keys.
(d) Return value

Returns one of the following return values:

Return value Description
0 Normal termination. You can check the result file for the details of reorganization.
11 Invalid option format.
101 or greater Terminated with another error.
(e) Notes on command execution
(f) Execution example
jamemb_reorganization.bat 30010 admin admin -o C:\temp\backup\kekka.log -y