Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


10.3.1 Names of Flow Designer components and how to use them

This subsection presents the name of each Flow Designer component and how to use it.

The figure below shows the Flow Designer.

Figure 10-6 Flow Designer


You can use the Tool buttons to add nodes and activities to be placed on the Flow Designer. Each button is enabled only when it is available to the target selected on the Flow Designer.

The following describes each Tool button for each panel.

Add Items panel
[Figure]: Add Node
Adds a node to the right of the node selected in Flow Designer. A maximum of 20 nodes can be defined on an Item route.
[Figure]: Add Activity
Adds an activity to the node selected in Flow Designer.
[Figure]: Add Completion Activity
Adds a completion activity to the node selected in Flow Designer in order to complete the Item.
[Figure]: Add Notification Email
Adds a notification email that reports the arrival of an Item to each worker for the activity selected in Flow Designer.

Edit Items panel
[Figure]: Edit
Edits the definition of an activity, of an Item window icon, of an official authority icon, or of a notification email selected in Flow Designer.
This button also enables you to rename nodes.
[Figure]: Delete
Deletes the node and activity selected in Flow Designer. Note that the leftmost node cannot be deleted.
If an activity has been defined for the node selected in Flow Designer, deleting the node also deletes the activity.

Options panel
[Figure]: Edit Emails
Defines a subject line and text for email to be used to notify a worker of the arrival of the Item. Set notification by email, if necessary.
This button is enabled when nothing is selected in Flow Designer.
[Figure]: Set Deadline
Sets a deadline (since the first worker sent the Item) for completing the Item. Setting a deadline is optional. If you set a deadline, any Items whose deadline has passed are displayed in red in the Inbox.
This button is enabled when nothing is selected in Flow Designer.