Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


10.2 Defining authority for processing the Item (Official Authority)

Separately from the role of the user who logs in to the asset management system, you must define the role for executing the Item (official authority). When an Item is defined, a registered official authority is allocated; therefore, official authorities must be defined before an Item is defined.

Official authority is defined as an independent role group separately from the Item definitions. This means that you can allocate the same official authority to the nodes for multiple Items. The official authority has no effect on the Item definitions even if the target user for the official authority changes due to personnel changes.

To define official authority, use the Official Authority window, which is displayed by choosing the Official Authority job menu.

The figure below shows the Official Authority window.

Figure 10-3 Official Authority window


This window lists the defined official authorities. Clicking an Official authority ID link displays the details of that official authority.

Organization of this section
10.2.1 Adding a new official authority
10.2.2 Changing official authority details
10.2.3 Deleting official authorities