Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


9.4.2 Renaming a job menu

This section describes the procedure for renaming a job menu using an example of renaming Device Management to Hardware Management.

To rename the job menu Device Management to Hardware Management:

  1. Click the Device Management link under Job name.
    The dialog box for renaming a job appears as shown below:

    Figure 9-17 Dialog box for renaming a job


  2. In Job name, enter Hardware Management, and then click the OK button.
    The job name in the left-hand preview area changes from Device Management to Hardware Management.
    At this point, this change has not been applied to the asset management database. If you now select another job menu or you exit the Web browser, the change is discarded.
  3. Click the Update button.
    The change is applied to the asset management database, and the job menu is changed.

If you rename a job menu, the change also takes place for other user roles.

Renaming a job menu has no effect on the name of the window that is used by each job. To rename a window, use the Customize Managed Items job menu. For details about how to rename windows, see 9.2.4 Changing the names and view/hide settings for buttons and tabs.