Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


9.3.7 Adding forms

You can set multiple forms for the same window. For example, you can set one form for administrators and a different form for users.

There can be only one form for each user role for a window. For example, Form-1 and Form-2 that are for the same window cannot both apply to the Administrator role; each form for the same window must be for a different user role.

To add a new form:

  1. In the Customize Job Windows - Edit Form window, click the Add Form button.
    The dialog box for specifying a form name appears.
    You can set any form name. However, the same window cannot have multiple forms with the same name.
    To cancel, click the Cancel button.
  2. Specify a form name, and then click the OK button.
    A tab is added for setting the new form with the specified name.
    Set the form using the items in the Customize Job Windows - Edit Form window.