Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


9.3.4 Setting items to be displayed as editable items

You can specify whether items are to be viewed and whether items are to be editable in the windows for registering new asset information and in dialog boxes for editing information. To specify these settings, use Editable items in the Customize Job Windows - Edit Form window.

The following shows Editable items in the Customize Job Windows - Edit Form window.

Figure 9-13 Editable items in the Customize Job Windows - Edit Form window


The Hide list shows the items that can be set to be editable in each window operation. Each item is shown in the format item-name (class-name).

In the Show list, the items with the gray background cannot be hidden or cannot be changed to read-only because they are default system items.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Setting the view/hide settings for editable items
(2) Setting the display order of editable items
(3) Setting editable items to read-only

(1) Setting the view/hide settings for editable items

You can hide information that you do not want to disclose to a user role or that are not related to jobs that can be executed by a user role.

To set items to be displayed as editable items, select them from the Hide list and click the Show button. To display all items, click the Show All button.

The selected item is moved to the Show list and set to be displayed.

To hide an item, select it from the Show list, and then click the Hide button. To hide all items, click the Hide All button.

Editable items enables you to set only those items that are set to be available to Customize Managed Items. To add items that can be set in Editable items, evaluate the settings in the Customize Managed Items window.
For details about changing the items to be managed, see 9.2.1 Changing the items to be managed.

(2) Setting the display order of editable items

The editable items are displayed in the order that they are listed in Show. You can change this display order, such as by displaying the mandatory items at the top.

To change the display order of an editable item, select it from the Show list, and then click the Up or Down button.

You cannot change the display order of multiple items at the same time; you must change items one at a time.

(3) Setting editable items to read-only

Editable items displayed in the Show list can be set to read-only (uneditable). You can avoid erroneous operations by making those items uneditable that do not need to be updated or that should not be updated by general users.

To set an editable item to read-only, select it from the Show list, and then select the Read-only check box.

The read-only editable items are displayed in red.