Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


9.2.2 Renaming managed items

You can rename the items that are specified for search conditions, and rename the items displayed as search and totaled results in each window.

The procedure for renaming a managed item is shown below using an example of renaming Developer to Maker.

To rename a managed item:

  1. Click the link for the class name HardwareInfo in the hardware information.
    The hardware information Property List dialog box shown above is displayed.
  2. Click the link for the developer's property name Developer.
    The following Edit Property dialog box appears:

    Figure 9-5 Edit Property dialog box (Developer)


  3. In Display name, specify the new name Maker.
  4. Click the OK button.
    The Edit Property dialog box closes, and the name Developer is changed to Maker in the Property List.
    At this point, this change has not been applied to the asset management database. If you now select another job menu or you exit the Web browser, the change is discarded.
  5. Click the Update button.
    The change is applied to the asset management database.

If you rename a managed item, the condition provided in the sample of the Import job menu becomes disabled. Therefore, you must create a new import condition for the Import job menu.