Job Management Partner 1/Asset Information Manager Planning and Setup Guide


7.1.7 Creating a data files definition file

This section describes the specification format for a data files definition file that is used by the jamimport command to import multiple data files in a batch operation.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Specification format for data files definition file
(2) Specification example of data files definition file (object class)
(3) Creating a data files definition file (association class)

(1) Specification format for data files definition file

You specify in a data files definition file the names of data files to be imported and the names of corresponding object classes.

To import an association class, specify the name of the data file to be imported, the name of corresponding association class, and the names of two associated object classes.

The figure below shows the specification format for a data files definition file.

Figure 7-5 Specification format for a data files definition file


The items specified in the data files definition file are explained below.

Specifies the path of the data file that is to be imported. You can specify a full or a relative path. A relative path is based on the path where the data files definition file is located. Neither .\ nor ..\ is permitted.

object-class-name and association-class-name
Specifies the name of the class corresponding to the specified data file or a class name.

associated-object-class-name and another-associated-object-class-name
Specifies the names of two object classes that are associated with each other as association classes.
Specify this information only when an association class is to be imported.
Note that you can omit associated-object-class-name and another-associated-object-class-name.

For details about class names, see 14.1 Organization of classes.

(2) Specification example of data files definition file (object class)

This section describes an example of specifying a data files definition file when object classes are imported.

The figure below shows a specification example of a data files definition file.

Figure 7-6 Specification example of data files definition file (object class)


Line 1 indicates that the name of the data file is C:\temp\AssetInfo.csv and that the name of the object class is AssetInfo (asset information).

By executing the jamimport command, this example imports the contents of C:\temp\AssetInfo.csv to the object class AssetInfo.

The subsequent lines are processed in the same manner as with line 1.

(3) Creating a data files definition file (association class)

This section describes an example of a data files definition file when association classes are imported.

The figure below shows a specification example of data files definition file.

Figure 7-7 Specification example of data files definition file (association class)


Line 1 indicates that the name of the data file is C:\temp\ContMLink.csv, that the name of the association class is ContractMaintenanceLink (maintenance contact link), and that the names of the associated object classes are AssetInfo (asset information) and Contract (contract information).

By executing the jamimport command, this example imports the contents of C:\temp\ContMLink.csv to the association class ContractMaintenanceLink.

The subsequent lines are processed in the same manner as with line 1.